Chapter 056 - 060

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Chapter 56: The slap in the face is like a tornado.

The third round of the competition is about to start, KOY arrived in the lounge of the e-sports venue ahead of schedule and waited.

During this period of time, the team members turned on their mobile phones and flipped through them casually. What they saw at a glance was the highly discussed prize quiz.

"6% approval rate, this is really... a very impressive win rate." Tang Ze leaned on the sofa, and sighed with emotion while scrolling down, "The UTO opposite is currently 33%, which is really true. A game where the whole world thinks we are all about playing."

"That's good, don't focus on the ratio. Anyway, we have increased by 2%, but the UTO side has dropped a little." Su Mifei seemed very contented at this moment, and when he turned around, he saw Lu Xiulian's concentration and bowing his head. Looking at the appearance of the phone, he couldn't help laughing, "Who are you chatting with so hotly? The game is about to start, so pay attention."

Lu Xiulian raised his eyes: "I'm discussing tactics with God ONE."

He shook the screen casually and then took it back again. With a brief glance, Su Mifei could clearly see the WeChat avatar on the phone's chat interface.

It was the familiar thermos cup.

Su Mifei clicked his tongue: "God ONE should have come with us, how boring it would be to stay at the base alone."

Lu Xiulian continued to lower his head and played with his mobile phone: "He thinks it's too tiring to fly."

The words seemed to be saying that the other party was squeamish, but the corners of his mouth subconsciously evoked a bit.

At the same time, Lin Duyi was sitting in the lobby of KOY's base.

No one else was present, and he had a very arrogant sense of seeing the venue.

Under the continuous vibration of the mobile phone, one after another sent WeChat messages to the other party.

[Flower Butterfly: UTO is about to be played. I don't read the quiz information on the Internet. Brother ONE will predict a wave first?]

[TheONE: I guess it should be less than 5 games, 3:1.]

[Flower Butterfly: Who's 3, who's 1?]

[TheONE: It depends on whether you want to enter the finals or not.]

[Flower Butterfly: Thank you Ji Yan in advance.]

[TheONE: It's not necessary.]

[TheONE: You guys are in the lounge now, but you still have time to play with your mobile phone. You seem to be very idle?]

[Flower Butterfly: It's a little bit. No, I'm thinking about what present to bring you back this time.]

The unexpected sentence made Lin Duyi a little stunned.

Recalling the "specialties" that Lu Xiulian brought back a few times, he paused before replying: [Actually, you don't need to bring it to me every time.]

[Flower Butterfly: It's okay, I want to buy it for you.]

Lin Duyi: "......"

His heart beat slightly.

If it wasn't for the fact that Lu Xiulian didn't show the tendency of same-sex orientation in normal times, he very much doubted that the butterfly was deliberately flirting with him. As far as some straight men are concerned, some small details always pop up so unexpectedly. Obviously, they have never thought about the consequences if the other party is bent.

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