Chapter 026 - 030

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Chapter 26: [Don't you have my friend?]

Netizens naturally won't buy July's forced explanation that makes an excuse.

But he himself thought very clearly.

Regardless of whether it is a single kill or not, as long as TheONE can be successfully killed in this round, after leaving the live broadcast room, at least the face will not be so ugly.

While returning to the mid lane, July kept an eye on where Muun attempted to GANK.

It was at this time that Lin Duyi, who had just gone to the road to catch someone and returned, also simultaneously signaled on the map.

[TheONE (Ruler of Hell): After the top laner returns to the city, go straight to the bot lane to help, they are junglers with me.]

The jungler has a positive attitude after seeing this sentence.

[You are the one who killed (Blade of Heart Nightmare): Why don't I go to the middle and squat in the middle?]

[TheONE (Ruler of Hell): No, you take the opportunity to clear the wild area and grow first.]

Because of Muun's successive invasions, whether it's the boxer box of the bottom lane shooter or their jungler position, the whole thing is quite hard, so that at this time, seeing Lin Duyi's thoughtful arrangement, they were all moved.

On the other side, Muun, who was squatting beside him, kept an eye on the position of the Ruler of Hell.

At the moment when the Ruler of Hell used his second skill to move the distance closer, Muun rushed out of the grass: "Kill him!"

July is also well prepared.

The skill that was in his hand was instantly exhaled.

When Muun met face to face, he used a control skill, and it was the 2-second CD of Lin Duyi's second skill displacement.

However, he should have used his speed to the extreme, but he was still perfectly evaded by the opponent's incomparably decisive flashing skill.

"Fuck, he knows we're squatting on him." Seeing the Ruler of Hell flashed into the grass, July finally reacted.

But this hindsight situation is clearly meaningless.

The direct result of failing to successfully control TheONE in place is the failure of a whole set of output skills.

As a last resort, July can only retreat slightly, waiting for the cooling of a new round of skills to end.

But the BBQ side is going to retreat, and their opponents obviously don't think so.

In less than a second, the Ruler of Hell who used the grass field of vision to complete the cover came up again.

This time, I directly used the second skill that was just cooled to get closer.

Then, after triggering the surrounding poisonous fog with the help of the soldiers, he threw all the first and second skills on Muun's body one after another, not only dealing a full set of explosion damage, but also not missing a single bit of the economy on the line.

The high-value burst played in a short period of time directly left a layer of blood skin left in Muun, a pure output assassin-type jungler.

"Damn it, the damage is so high?!" Muun was obviously taken aback, and immediately flashed for his life.

July stepped forward at the right time and made a cover.

After successfully jamming the movement route of the Ruler of Hell, seeing that the other party had linked the four-skill ult on his body, he was relieved a little and retreated to the defense tower decisively: "Okay, he has an ult. Put it on me, without you..."

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