Extra 08

507 17 1

Extra 08: The old fat man who was sniped

An overseas live broadcast platform, PUG live broadcast room.

Online live streaming is being lively.

The popularity of Pang Mingting's live broadcast room is generally not bad, mainly because he likes to talk nonsense when he starts broadcasting, and from time to time he gets slapped in the face several times. Netizens like to come over and join in the fun.

The live broadcast started in the evening local time, and it had been going on for several hours, gradually approaching 24:00.

Because people are overseas, compared to the time point in China, it is probably the stage when the Huaguo region gradually starts to get up in the morning, and a group of early-rising netizens from Huaguo began to pour in one after another.

Pang Ming is in good luck today, he has just experienced three consecutive victories, and his momentum is on the rise.

Just as he was about to start another wave, the phone vibrated a few times and received a new message: [Live streaming?]

Pang Ming glanced at the source of the news and was shocked.

Not in a hurry to continue driving, he picked up the mobile phone and made a wave of hand speed: [Double queue?]

At this point in time, Lin Duyi obviously just came back from the morning run, and even the speed of replying to the message showed a calmness: [No hurry, deal with one thing first.]

Pang Ming was at a loss: [What's the matter?]

Lin Duyi: [Snipe at you.]

Pang Ming: "......"

He read the message carefully several times over and over, and was speechless: [Good brother, you both kicked the cabinet door open with one foot, so you don't need to be so concerned about the past, right?]

Lin Duyi: [That won't work, what has been said must be done.]

Pang Ming: "."

In fact, you don't have to do it! ! !

After a pause, he could only humbly express his position: [If we really lined up... be gentle. QAQ]

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't know what Pang Ming went through in just a few minutes, so watching his expression going from surprise to doubt to astonishment to despair in a roller coaster-like process aroused their curiosity.

[Why don't you line up, hurry up and continue!]

[Playing on a mobile phone during the live broadcast? reported.]

[Did PUG have a girlfriend recently? This mood of ups and downs look a bit big!]

[I'm not interested in what kind of girlfriend and boyfriend, so I just ask when will you play with brother ONE again?]

[Hahaha in front of me, I suspect what you mean by "boyfriend".]

[Yes, it's called Brother ONE, double queue! Seconded! Minister seconded!]

But this time, Pang Ming, who had been interacting with the barrage enthusiastically before, was silent.

Looking for TheONE to duo?

Is he the fat man who doesn't want to! ?

Because of the desolate thoughts in his heart, Pang Mingting's three-game winning streak was finally broken.

He sighed silently in his heart, his hesitant index finger moved slightly on the mouse, and he began to prepare for the next one.

Pang Ming glanced at the ceiling silently. If he could, he would also like to light a small cigarette of the vicissitudes of life.

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