Chapter 126 - 130

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Chapter 126: The second gold in eSports!

In a blink of an eye, Lin Duyi had already dealt with the players from the Korean team a few times in the top lane.

One-on-three, inevitably in a state of residual blood, but the opponent never found a chance to kill him, which caused the whole process to be really annoying.

But it's not for Lin Duyi, but for the three Korean team.

Several of Hal's control skills failed one after another. Although the second tower was about to be successfully pushed down after the troops arrived, his voice was inevitably filled with uneasy emotions. "How do you say, continue to push or go back to one? Let's go down the road tower. It's gone too."

They are all professional players, so now I can't see Huaguo's containment tactics.

TheONE pulled them in the top lane alone, leaving No2 and CHI behind without thinking, making the defense tower in the bottom lane like a free gift.

Elko also seemed very big head at this time. "...Just these two people in the bottom lane, I'm afraid it's not enough to go back one."

The ever-changing battlefield does not allow too many opportunities for hesitation. Seeing that the second tower of the Huaguo team was successfully removed, he made a very decisive decision. "You go back first, I will continue to press."

The two of the South Korean team received the order and immediately turned around and retreated.

Elko glanced forward and saw that Lin Duyi's bloody figure with only bloody skin was gone.

He was about to wait for the next wave of troops to arrive, so he was going to press forward, but he heard the exclamations of his teammates in the voice channel, "Damn, why is TheONE there!"

The moment the voice fell, one could see that Lin Duyi very quickly disappeared into the fog of vision from the side.

The two Koreans who were planning to return to the city were still left with traces of the continuous damage effect under their feet. The reading of the return to the city just now was directly interrupted when they were attacked.

Giss glanced at the situation in the bottom lane. "Oops, the high tower is going to fall!"

"You guys go back quickly, I'll watch TheONE."

As Elko said, he didn't care about taking the line, and chased in the direction of the jungle area.

His current state of qi and blood is much better than Lin Duyi's, and he almost looks into the grass with his face straight, and he is also very confident.

But until the jungle area was changed, Lin Duyi was still not seen.

Elko frowned.

Did he go back?

He turned around and was about to return to the line again, but the team's voice heard the second wailing of his teammates, "Why is this guy here again!"

The words fell, and the three of the Korean team couldn't help but fell into contemplation when they watched the reading that was interrupted for the second time.

In the end, he gritted his teeth fiercely. "Kill, kill, him!"

Although it is really necessary to maintain rationality on the field, sometimes the line of rationality is completely cut off in that instant.

No matter how Lin Duyi went around there before, but now, judging from Elko's position, the three of them can completely form an airtight double-teaming net, and there is absolutely no possibility of escape from TheONE's residual blood state.

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