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Steven walked into his apartment his with a sad and confused look on his face. He doesn't understand how it was Sunday.

He stood in the door way and turned on the light. He then turned it off after a couple of minutes and then he walks in slowly closing the door behind him.

He sat on a chair next to his desk across from a fish tank and the only light was from a small lamp and the fish tank.

Steven opened the box of chocolates and started eating one at a time. "Do you want some?" He asked the little goldfish that swam around in a medium sided tank.

"Alright" he sighed an he got up and grabbed a chocolate and crushed it up in his hand. "You can have some sprinkles" he said softly as he sprinkled bits of chocolate into the tank.

He muttered something and went to walk away when the chocolates fell out the box.

He bent down and picked them up and he noticed scratches on the wooden floor like something's been dragged but the rest was covered by a carpet.

"What's this?" He asked himself as he reached for the carpet and moved it out the way. Steven looked confused they were never there before or maybe he just didn't notice it.

He then moved the table to where the marks end and he stood on the table. "What's this about?" He asked himself again as he saw white planks of wood and one of them were dented inwards.

He moved the wood out of the way and there were things in there but they weren't his. It was a key for something and a phone.

Steven got down from the table and he went to sit down at his messy desk. And he put on some reading glasses and he turned the phone on.

He still doesn't understand on my who's phone it is or where it came from. He scrolled down the miss calls and there was this name Layla, Then the phone started ringing it was Layla.

Steven jumped up and took the reading glasses off. He panicked he didn't know what to do, so he answered it.

"Oh my god your alive" was all the girl said from over the phone.

"Yeah alright" Steven said in a confused tone not knowing what to do.

"That's it!" The girl sounded worried and annoyed, "I've been texting and calling you for months"

Then she said some other things but Steven just listened to what she said.

"Im sorry I just found this phone in my flat" he interrupted her, "and I just want to figure out whose it is"

"What's with this accent?" She commented on his British accent

"What?!" Steven was so confused he had no clue who She thinks he is, "sorry who do you think I am?"

"What's wrong with you Marc?"

"Why did you call me 'Marc' ?" Steven was very confused and wondered who is Marc. And then the call ended.

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