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They ended back up in the room with Dr Harrow knelt next to them. "So what, this is what reality looks like?" Steven asked as he looked around the room.

"The imagination is very real. This chair, desk, the light were all first created in the imagination." Dr Harrow explained.

"But do you believe that Khonshu and A mm it are real?" Steven asked looking at Dr Harrow.

"Do I? No." Dr Harrow answered. He leaned over to Dr Harrow and his expression changed.

"And what if we disagree, Doc?" Marc asked

"Marc..." Dr Harrow said

"What if we believe something different?" Marc asked.

"Then our work here continues." Dr Harrow said as he got up and started to walk away.

"For how long?" Steven asked and he looked on the floor and saw blood foot prints on the floor.

"For as long as a piece of string." Dr Harrow said as he walked towards his seat behind the desk.

"Hey, you see that, don't you?" Marc asked.

"Oh, yeah, I see it. I see it." Steven said following the trail and Dr Harrow looked on the floor.

"Why am I bleeding?" Dr Harrow asked

"Yeah, I don't think you know as much as you think you do." Steven said as he got up from the chair he was sat on.

"And while it is tempting to accept your diagnosis, Doc..." Marc said as he walked away

"We'd rather go save the world. Laters, gators." Steven said as he fell back.

He woke up and felt someone move next to him and he had a look and saw echo. He looked and smiled to himself.

"She is adorable when she's sleeping" Steven said through a reflection. Marc smiled and Echo opened her eyes slightly.

"Marc it that you?" Echo asked as she laid on his chest.

"Yeah it is" Marc replied with and echo sat up and so did Marc.

"I can't believe you live in this fricking mess." Marc said to Steven as he looked around the room. Marc got up and started walking.

"Wait Marc there's.." echo said and then Marc fell to the ground because of the ankle restraint.

"Thanks for the heads up" Marc no groaned and echo smiled and laughed a little as she helped him up.

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