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    (⚠️warning a very upset part⚠️)

"Hey, do you feel that? I think we just stopped." Steven said as the rumbling stopped

"The Gates. The Gates of Osiris. Come on. Hurry." Steven yelled to Marc as they ran to the front of the boat.

"Taweret, what's happening?" Steven asked as him and Marc ran up to the hippo.

"I've never seen the gates to the world above so close." Taweret told them as she looked to the gates.

"How do we open them?" Marc asked her.

"I'm so sorry. Your Scales never balanced. Our journey's come to an end. I cannot stop the inevitable. I was really rooting for you guys, but the unbalanced souls of the Duat now must claim yours." Taweret explained and they all looked at the scales the rocked slightly and then she walked away.

Then sand like, zombie like people(I'm just gonna call them it or sand creatures) climb up to the boat. "Marc, they don't look very friendly." Steven said looking at the sand creatures walk up to them.

"Hide. Hide." Marc told Steven and Steven hide, "Gabon. New York, Dubai." And Marc started fighting them off and had to punch them repeatedly.

"Watch out!" Steven yelled as one of them grabbed onto Marc's neck and dragged him over to the edge.

"Oh, no! Taweret!" Steven yelled, "No! Oh, God." Steven panicked.

Steven said and then he tuned the boat making Marc and the sand creatures move away from the edge.

Then one of them hit Marc in the face with a bat and they started dragging Marc to the edge. "Marc, you've got this. But if I'm you... It means I've got this, too."

Steven yelled as he went and threw one to the ground and then steven picked up the bat and he went up and hit the sand creatures and they both turned to sand.

"Six!" Steven yelled and marc smiled to Steven, "I prefer cricket." And then a sand creature growled slightly and walked over to Steven.

Steven turned around and hit the creature until it turned into pure sand.
"Ow!" Steven shakes his hand and then put his thumb up to Steven.

Then a creature came up behind Marc and tried to pull him over. "No! No!" Marc yelled as the creature tried to drag Marc.

"Marc! Marc, no!"steven yelled as he tried to grab Marc but ended up falling with the creature.

"Steven!" Marc yelled his voice breaking as he yelled, "Steven!"

Steven groaned as he quickly got up to try and catch up to the boat. "Steven!" Marc yelled again.

"No, wait. Wait. Wait! Wait!" Steven yelled as he ran.

"Steven! Run! Wait! Wait, he's coming!" Marc yelled as stevens movement got slower and slower, "Keep... Stop the boat. Stop the boat!"

"Wait! Wait!" Steven yelled as he fell to the ground as stone started to cover his arm and legs.

"Steven!" Marc yelled as the boat got further away.

"Wait..." Steven said weakly as stone covered more of his body.

"No, no, no! Steven!" Marc yelled

"Marc!" Steven groaned as stone covered the rest of him.

"Stop the boat! Stop the boat!" Marc yelled repeatedly then the scales clinked.

"Your Scales are balanced." Taweret gasped and there was this bright golden light and an open field and Marc was in the centre of it.

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