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(⚠️mention death, blood and guns oh and it's gory and violent ⚠️)

Then there was some noise coming from the entrance. "There here" Marc said.

"Yeah no shit!" Echo replied with.

"There must be another why out" Layla said in her normal tone as she went to find a way out.

"Okay go, find it. I'll hold them off." Marc told Layla and then he looked at echo, "you too"

"No! No don't do this lone hero thing because you don't have your bloody healing armour so I'm helping" echo told Marc in a serious tone.

"I know I don't have the suit but you can't heal either" Marc said and he looked at echo. Echo sighed and gave him a quick kiss.

"Okay fine but be careful" echo said

"Always" Marc replied with and then once echo went Marc picked a golden weapon from the sarcophagus.

What Marc doesn't know was that echo hid and watched. "Come one!" Marc yelled and then loads of guys came out pointing guns at him.

And then Harrow walked in. "Just you" Harrow said and Marc lowered the weapon. Then the scarab fell back into Harrow's hand.

"The rest is silence. I remember the first morning I woke up knowing that Khonsu was gone. The quiet was liberating. Your a free man" Harrow explained to Marc, "and of course with that freedom comes choice and right now you have a very important decision to make"

Marc nodded, "okay" and one guy went up to Marc pointing the gun to Marc. Then Marc grabbed the gun and pulled it closer to him and the guy along with it and then he cut the guys head with the golden weapon and then Marc killed three other guys with the same weapon.

Then Harrow pulled out a gun. Echo gasped as she watched in the distance and then she heard two gunshots and then a splash of water.

The blood soaked through his white jumper and the water covered most of his face. Echo peaked and saw Marc was no longer standing.

Echo covered her mouth to stop herself form being found and she slid back into her hiding space and she cried knowing Marc's dead.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" She cried. Layla found echo and she pulled her into a hug. Echo cried into Layla's shoulder.

"I can't save anyone who won't save themselves" echo heard Harrow say. Echos sadness soon turned to anger she moved away from Layla's hug and stud up but then Layla quickly pulled her back down.

"You can't or he will kill you too" Layla whispered

"Look Layla I love you I do but dying wouldn't be so bad right now and plus I wanna kill him" echo told Layla in a whisper.

"Yeah well he has back up and what do you have?" Layla asked. Echo sighed and rolled your eyes.

"Yeah your right" echo sighed

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