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Marc ran bumping into walls every now and then. And then he turned at a corner and the lights on the ceiling were swaying left and right.

Marc ran and then opened one of the doors in the hallway and went into the room and quickly shut the door behind him.

The two workers ran passed the door. There was a sudden thud and Marc looked it was a sarcophagus. And the lid kept on lifting slightly.

"Let me out!" Someone yelled repeatedly Marc opened the lid. It was Steven. He wore a dark clothes and he jumped out of the sarcophagus.

Steven yelled. "Steven?" Marc asked

"Marc?" Steven asked. They were both confused at what's going on.

"Steven" Marc said and then Steven jumped to Marc and they hugged each other. And then Steven moved away.

"How is this possible?" Steven asked. On about them being out of the body.

"I don't know" Marc said, "what's the last thing that you remember?" Marc asked

"Harrow shot us" Steven stuttered

"Yes!" Marc yelled happily. He was just glad he's not going crazy, "Yes. Exactly. Exactly."

Marc looked at the door and then back to Steven. "All right. We gotta get out of here. Follow me." Marc said as he opened the door and went out the room with Steven slowly following after.

"Come on." Marc whispered to Steven and then walked passed a door and it was slightly open. Marc looked in and saw a sarcophagus that was violently shaking.

Something wanted to get out but they both walked passed that room. Then the double doors open and a giant hippopotamus came into the room.

"Hi" it said and waved making both Marc and Steven scream walking backwards in fear away from the hippo.

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