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"I know that you're having a great deal of difficulty being able to differentiate between what's real and what's in your head" Dr Harrow explained.

Marc looked up to him. "I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of borrowing the film you brought" And Dr Harrow but an old film on his glass desk.

"It was fun to see that my old VHS player still worked" Dr Harrow chuckled slightly, "how many times would you say you've seen that movie, hmm? Approximately?"

Marc tried to say something but couldn't. "I like the villain 'no tree can ascend to the light of heaven if it doesn't descend to the depths of hell'" Dr Harrow mimicked the villain from the movie.

Marc looked around. "That's a good line. Yeah. The plot makes a real meal out of a lunar god and didn't you say that you worked for one?" Dr Harrow said calmly.

"What do you make out of that similarity? I mean given the production value of that film, I can't imagine that too many other people have seen it. What do you think? Is that a coincidence?" Dr Harrow asked Marc.

"I don't...I think.." Marc finally spoke but very weakly, "I think someone.."

"I know. I'm sorry about that" Dr Harrow explained, "but remember, you're only sedated because of your own behaviour and the effects will wear off soon. Marc we don't live in a material world"

Marc looked around the room. "We live in a psychic world. Right? And we're only able to make indirect inferences about the nature of reality" Dr Harrow explained, "like take, for example, this pen right?" And he held up a pen.

"To me this is a writing utensil. Right? To my dog it's a chew toy. Both are accurate" Dr Harrow explained, "right? It's just a question of context and perspective"

Marc looked and noticed the cane and that's when he remembered. "And all I'm asking of you is an honest assessment of your situation"

Then Marc looked in the mirror and saw the croc's. Marc looked back at Dr Harrow and then shut his eyes.

And then open them again. "Everything reminds me...everything remains me..." Marc mumbled.

"Reminds you of what?" Dr Harrow asked leanings back into his white chair, "of your past? Of Steven?"

Marc looked at him and mumbled "you know Steven?"

"Of course I know Steven. But Marc I want to talk you your right now" the Dr said and nodded to Marc's question.

"And I have noticed, all right in our sessions a pattern developing. Every time I ask you direct questions you are triggered, overwhelmed" Dr Harrow explained

Marc wasn't listening as he looked around the room he recognised more and more similar things, the ones he recognised. Then Marc looked as things on the desk everything seemed familiar and he completely ignored Dr Harrow.

"I can't help you if you don't help yourself" Dr Harrow said resting on his desk.

"You shot me" Marc said clearly and the Dr looked at him confused.

"You shot me" he whispered and then he turned his head and looked at the door.

"Marc? Marc? Hey. Hey now. If we can't calmly sit here" then Marc got up and tried to walk to the door and he fell, "and take inventory of your feelings... Marc"

Marc tried to get up but his legs felt like jelly so he tried to crawl. "Marc listen. I know.." Dr Harrow said as he got up and slowly walked closer to him.

"No. You stay away from me!" Marc yelled and continued to crawl to the door. And then he got up walked a little and then fell and he tried again.

"Truly I understand how you're feeling. I too have suffered from mental illness, breaks in psychic awareness" Dr Harrow said and Marc got closer and closer to the door.

Marc tried to open the door but it was locked and the Dr walked closer to him. "Unlock the door" Marc said and tried to open the door again.

"Unlock the door!!" Marc yelled then Marc used his elbow to break the glass part of the door and unlock the door like that.

"Stay away from me!!" Marc yelled and Marc opened the door and then two workers pushed him back into the room.

They held his arms. "All right be gentle with him. Don't hurt him. All right?" Dr Harrow said then Marc elbowed one of the workers stomach and then bit the others hand and the woman let go.

Marc ran out of the room into white hallways. The workers followed him.

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