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(⚠️mention of blood and scissors ⚠️)

Layla got in the drivers seat while Marc and Echo were in the back. Marc grabbed a pair of scissors and cut Echo's trousers.

"Hey! There my favourite trousers!" Echo yelled to Marc.

"I will buy you new ones now hold still" no Marc said as he poured disinfectant on the wound.

"Ahh!" Echo screamed in pain as Marc cleaned her wound.

"I'm sorry" Marc said with sympathy and he put pressure on the wound and wrapped it up. Then Echo moved her head to his lap.

Echo looked at Marc. "It hurts Marc" echo whispered. Marc patted her head and played with her hair.

"It's alright. You'll be alright" Marc told echo softly

"I also need some new trousers" Echo said with a smile

"I'll buy you some more but for now you can have my spare" Marc said as he reached for the bag behind him and grabbed some trousers.

"Thanks" echo smiled as she sat up and changed into the spare trousers then she laid back down on Marc's lap.

She winced as she moved her leg to a comfortable position. "So Marc what we're you going to tell me on the boat before you got interrupted?" Echo asked.

"That I like you too" Marc said looking at Echo. Echo smiled at Marc and he smiled back.

"You do?" Echo asked tiredly

"Yeah I do" Marc smiled and then echo yawned and fell asleep. Marc smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Is she doing alright?" Layla asked quickly turning to face them and then looked back at the road.

"Yeah she's alright it will take a while for her wound to heal though" Marc explained

"So what did Harrow mean when he said about my fathers murder and you and Echo?" Layla asked, "are you guys hiding something? Can i even trust you? I mean do I even know you?"

"No you don't know me! Now stopped the car we need to find Ammits tomb" Marc said and then Layla stopped the car and they both got out and let Echo sleep in the car.

Layla and Marc tried make a star with the burnt pieces from sarcophagus. Marc slammed the pieces on the car in anger. "It's pointless!" Marc yelled.

"Then let Steven have control of the body he knows what he's doing" Layla said.

"He's not going to give the body back" Khonsu said, "well I summon gods and you summon the worm"

Marc sighed and grabbed everything and a side mirror from the car and walked away slightly. Marc looked into the mirror.

"Alright your in"Marc sighed and then his facial expressions changed.

"Cheers thanks a lot" Steven said and then he got to folding and taping the pieces together until it made a star.

Echo woke up and got out the car. She limped over to Steven thinking it was Marc. "Marc?!" Echo asked giving Steven a look.

"Umm no actually it's Steven" he said in his British accent and Layla came up to them.

"You better give Marc the body back Steven after because I don't feel like dying because of a stupid-because of you know what never mind" echo said then limped back the the car and sat on the hood.

"Umm... yeah alright but I did it" Steven said and handed Layla the star.

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