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"So what did you and Marc talk about making you so happy?" Steven asked

"Nothing nosy" echo said with a smile. Then they both heard foot steps. Steven and echo hid. Layla walked in.

They both sighed in relief. "Oh thank god Layla is only you" echo sighed. Steven lifted the statue of ammit in the air.

"Layla look we won" Steven yelled happily with a laugh. Echo felt anger, sadness and hatred coming from Layla.

"And the ushabti goes to us" Steven smiled and slowly walked to Layla and she looked upset and angry well not even that she was fuming.

"I had to go digging down old Alexander the Greats gullet but I found it!" Steven said excitedly and it took him awhile to notice Layla's expression, "you all right love?"

"Can he hear me?" Layla asked angrily. Steven looked back at the tomb and then back at Layla.

"Alexander? I don't think so. God I hope not" Steven chuckled.

"Steven she means Marc" echo whispered to him.

"What happened to my father?" Layla asked. Echo looked down at the floor and Layla walked up to them.

"I'm talking to you!" Layla yelled

"What?" Steven asked in a confused tone

"I'm talking to you Marc!" Layla yelled and pushed Steven. Echo ran up and pushed Layla away.

"Back away Layla!" Echo yelled and Marc and Steven switch with out Layla and Echo noticing.

"Come on. Let's go. Let's go" Marc said as he quickly started to walk away.

"No!" Layla yelled to him.

"Layla we gotta go" Echo said and she grabbed Layla and tried to drag her but Layla got free of echo grip.

"No! No!" Layla yelled. Marc stopped and went back to them.

"What happened to my father?" Layla asked with tears in her eyes. Echo looked at Marc and then back at Layla.

"Listen to me" Marc said, "we need to leave right now. I will explain everything, I swear but we have to go"

"Did you kill Abdullah El Fauoly?" Layla asked echo and Marc.

"Of course not! Of course I didn't!" Marc told her, "and neither did Echo!"

"But you were there?" Layla said her emotions were all over the place and echo could feel Marc guilt.

"Yes we were there! Well I was I don't really know about Marc because I was helping your father Layla. How do you think I met you?" Echo explained to Layla.

Then everything went quite then Marc said, "I was there. Yeah I was there"

"And how did he die?" Layla asked with tears in her eyes. That's when echo saw the change of expression in Marc face.

Echo didn't need to feel his emotions to see how upset he was. "My partner got greedy and he executed everyone at the dig site Echo was lucky to escape... I tried to save your father so did echo but we couldn't save him. And I.." Marc whispered.

"No but you brought a killer to him right?!" Layla asked angrily and pushed Marc over and over almost making him fall.

"Layla-" echo said moving Layla away from Marc.

"Not now Echo!" Layla snapped and pushed echo away.

"Yeah" Marc answered honestly. Layla couldn't hold her tears back and she bursted out crying.

"He shot me too. I was supposed to die that night. But I didn't die that night and I should have" Marc told her.

Echo looked at Marc, he never told her that. "Look Layla we would have told you before but I couldn't and we didn't even know how to tell you... look Layla I know your upset but you gotta believe us" echo said giving Layla a sympathy look.

"Oh my god! Your supposed to be my friend and you were there the whole time!" Layla yelled.

"You think I knew that was gonna happen! What do you think I wanted to see you father get shot! No Layla your father was like a father to me" echo said and she went to pull Layla into a hug but Layla pushed her away.

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