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Echo made it down safely and then Steven come stumbling after. Echo bit the bottom of her lip trying not to laugh.

"Steven are you alright?" Echo chuckled.

"Yeah I'm aces. Yeah" Steven replied with and echo helped him up. "Oh wow look at you" Steven said echo and Layla looked at him

"Oh yeah there gorgeous aren't they?" Layla said shining her light on a lion statue.

"Been standing guard for centuries" Layla said

"Right? Look I can't even.." Steven said excitedly, "so if they just sprang to life right now and asked me a riddle for passage I'd be thrilled. I'd shit myself but I'd be thrilled!."

Echo could feel Steven's excitement of being here but he was also scared as well. Then Layla and Steven walked off talking about Egyptology and echo limped after them.

"You guys better know where your going or else!" Echo threatened Steven and Layla.

"Well let's find out" Layla said with a smirk.

"Yeah lefts find out" Steven said quietly and him and Echo followed Layla. They walked through tight hallways when Echo stopped for a breather.

"I can't do this" echo panicked and her breathing got heavier and she felt like everything was spinning so she sat down.

"I can't do this the hallways spinning and I'm pretty sure the walls are caving in" echo said in a shaken tone.

Steven knelt down in front of her. "Hey it's alright just look at me" Steven said calmly, "just breathe you alright come one I'm sure we're nearly there"

Echo nodded and they she took a deep breath and shut her eyes and Steven took her hands and lead her to a bigger room.

"Okay you can open your eyes now" Steven told echo and she opened her eyes. Echo sat down while Steven and Layla did there smart historical thing.

There was a little table covered in sand and dust and he started to draw something. "This whole structure is a symbol" Steven said as he finished drawing the symbol.

"That's the eyes of Horus" Layla said sounding surprised.

"Yeah" Steven said, "it's the royal symbol, protection in the afterlife"

"I mean like the resources needed to build this thing...." Layla explained, "here final avatar was a pharaoh"

"Whoa! A bloody pharaoh" Steven said in excitement.

"So what? You think it's a map?" Layla asked

"Yeah well...the eye of Horus is also the eye of mind yeah?" Steven explained, "representing the six sense...six points."

"So you got the eyebrow that denotes thoughts...pupil sight obviously. This point here is uh...hearing" Steven explained pointing to different parts of the symbol, "smell. Touch and this long line ending in a spiral is the tongue"

Layla smiled, "the abated would be Ammits voice"

"Yeah it sounds right" Echo sighed and then she got up and followed them.

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