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Steven handed Layla the star shape made from the pieces. "Et voilà" Steven said with a smile, "it's French"

"I know" Layla replied with, "so what do we do with it?"

"We put it to good use obviously!" Echo yelled to them

"Well, I'm not sure but if.." he explained and held it up to the light form the car, "wait hang on a minute. You see that? You see those little pinpricks there? That's consultation"

"We should be able to triangulate the stars into coordinates right?" Layla asked and then she grabbed her little tablet and held  it up shape, "let me just scan it."

Well umm.. actually unfortunately it's not that simple" Steven said then echo limped over.

"What do you mean?" Echo asked.

"Not working why isn't it working?" Layla asked as she looked at her tablet

"Yeah you see Senfu marked that tomb like 2000 years ago and stars drift over time. Not much as far as stars go, but it could mean the difference between us searching miles away from where we're supposed to be looking" Steven explained.

"Steven just get to the point!" Echo yelled

"Unless we know exactly what the sky looked like on that date. We're buggered" he said looking at echo.

"I remember that night. I remember every night" Khonsu said

"What no you will get imprisoned in stone don't do it!" Echo told Khonsu. Steven slowly walked up to Khonsu and so did echo Layla followed behind them.

"I can turn back the night sky." Khonsu said.

"How?" Steven asked.

"Steven?!"echo yelled to Steven.

"It will come with a cost and I cannot do it alone. Steven when the gods imprison me tell Marc to free me" Khonsu said to Steven, he summoned the suit and he lifted up his hand with Khonsu, "do what I do"

Then Khonsu and Steven moved there had so did the sky "this is the night" Khonsu yelled and then Layla started scanning the sky.

"This is surprisingly painful"Steven groaned as he and Khonsu kept the sky like that so Layla can scan the stars.

Then echo saw Khonsu drop to the floor onto his knees. "Khonsu!" Echo yelled. Stevens mask came off and the sky slowly went back to normal.

"Oh god I don't know how much longer I can do this" Steven groaned.

"Coordinates found 29 degrees north 25 east" the tablet spoke. Steven also fell to the floor.

"Steven!" Echo yelled and she looked back at Khonsu and he was pealing away, "Khonsu!" And then he completely vanished.

Layla helped Steven up he couldn't keep his ad he fell face into the sand. Echo ran up to him and moved his face out of the sand.

"Steven! Marc! Oh god please don't be dead!"echo said with tears in her eyes. She doesn't want Marc to be dead or Steven. "Come on! come one! Marc please!" Echo yelled again.

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