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"Next one we've got B-22 everyone" someone's yelled as he held up a bingo ball. The guy wore white along with everyone else. They were also in a white room.

"B-22! Anyone got B-22? Don't be afraid to speak up!" The man yelled. A woman in a beige clothes was give jellies to people.

She walked up to a woman sat in a white chair. "How we doing today Donna?" The woman asked holding up pills for her to take.

"Be a bit happier if he pulled some bloody O's" Donna replied with as she cuddled a stuffed beetle.

Then there was a man in the same beige clothes giving cupcakes to people. "What do we have here?" He asked as he pushed the trolley and grabbed a cake and handed it to a woman.

"Wow! Show me let me see" he said to the woman. The picture was of a bird with a bird skull as a head, "this is beautiful. Very impressive" and the woman smiled.

Then a man with a grey, ginger beard went up to Marc. "Right young man. Breaks are on. Your favourite spot" the man smiled before walking away.

Then a girl came up to him she looked like Layla. "I changed the movie okay?" Layla said. He tried to speak but he could form any words.

She went up to the board and then turned her head, "it's been five times this week. It's a lot right" Marc tried to say something but his words didn't form properly.

The girl went up to Marc. "Did i startle you? Oh no I'm sorry. I'm sorry" then she looked at his bingo card, "oh look at that you won. We won"

She moved away slightly and held up the bingo card and yelled, "I won"

"We have a winner" the bingo man said and the girl came over again, "I'll share it with you this time. I swear." And then she walked away.

Marc looked at his reflection. "Steven?" He mumbled.

"Steven?" He mumbled again as he got up and tried to walk to the reflection and then he fell.

He looked back to see an ankle restraint on tied to the wheelchair. Then the same man that put him in the spot came over and helped him up.

"Your all right. Come on. Come on" the man lifted him back into the wheelchair, "there you go. All right. Marc you can't keep doing this"

But Marc wasn't paying attention to him he was focusing on the action figure on the floor that looked like the suit.

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