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"Umm guys enough of this my freaking father is being dragged by a creepy crocodile lady!" Echo said and pointed to ammit and Khonsu.

"Wait Khonsu's your father?" Layla asked giving her a confused look.

"Yeah I will explain later long story" echo sighed and Layla walked up to her and Marc.

"Get Harrow. I know how to stop Ammit." Layla said and they all got Harrow and carried him to the pyramid.

They placed him on a part of a broken statue and moved back. "The power of this room will help us bind Ammit to Harrow's body. Quick, grab my hand so we can start the spell" layla explained and echo maoved back.

"Echo what are you doing help up" layla said as she looked to echo.

"I can't it's that an avatar thing I'm a demigod there's a difference" echo said and Layla sighed and she held Marc's hand and they both started chanting the spell.

" We could've made this our paradise!"
Ammit said angrily as she wrapped her tail around Khonsu as they got surrounded by a purple light and sand.

"It's too late, A mm it. You will be destroyed." Khonsu said and ammit roared at him.

Ammit looked back and saw she was being took away. Ammit roared at Khonsu again until she was completely gone and put into harrows body.

" You can never contain me. I'll never stop." Ammit said threw Harrow.

"Finish it, and leave neither of them alive. While he lives, so too does she."
Khonsu said as he appeared in the room.

Marc sighed walked up to Harrow. "Marc?" Echo said and Marc grabbed Harrow and one of his crescent shaped weapon and held it up to Harrow.

"I have to finish this. If not, I'll never be free."  Marc sighed.

"Marc! Come one man!" Echo yelled and Marc and Khonsu looked at her.

"You have a choice. You are free." Layla finished her sentence.

"The choice is vengeance. We cannot take the chance that Ammit finds a way out. She will kill again." Khonsu explained

"Now you sound just like her. You want them dead...Do it yourself." Marc said as he threw the weapon to the ground, "Now, release us."

"As you wish." Khonsu said and he did(that's what they think).

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