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"Yeah, all right. So how are we supposed to do this?" Steven asked as they walked into the white hallways.

"Not sure." Marc said as the two doors shut behind them.

"You think Layla and Echo's all right?" Steven asked as they both came to a stop.

"Yeah, for now." Marc looked at Steven and sighed, "And knowing Echo, she'll go on a suicide mission to stop Harrow or kill him."

"That means we better hurry, doesn't it?" Steven asked as they began walking again.

"Know what Layla would be all right with?"

"Don't. Just don't say it." Steven said as he messed around with his fingers for a bit.

"I'm just saying there is one hippo and two of us, and this ship can't be that hard to steer. So... And we don't have to actually..." Marc explained.

"Marc please come back!" He heard echo cry again and he turned his head but she wasn't there.

"Have to what? Kill the Goddess Taweret?" Steven asked as he looked through the window of every door.

"No, just, you know, find me a rope and..." Marc stuttered.

"Yeah. Or we can do what she says, and help each other uncover whatever it is that we're hiding, apparently." Steven said and quickly looked through every door and then he saw the memory when Marc and echo killed the jackal in the museum.

"Steven, I don't know about you, but my memories are a fricking mess." Marc said walking up to steven

"Yeah, mine, too." Steven said and walked to another door while Marc locked at the other one.

"Whoa. That's wild." Marc gasped as he walked up to Steven and saw the memory when him and Khonsu stormed back the night sky.

Steven had a look at another one and saw a street he didn't recognise. "Oi. What's this?" Steven asked and Marc walked up to him

"Steven, what are we gonna do here?" Marc asked on edge, "We're gonna revisit every single memory I've ever had?"

"Do you... Do you remember this?" Steven stuttered pointing to the door.

"Yeah. I don't know, it's just a street, you know. How many streets have you walked down your whole life?" Marc said avoiding the question.

"Help!" A boy yelled. Steven looked at Marc and Marc gulped.

"Did you hear that?" Steven asked as he went to down the hall and walked into a room filled with dead bodies.

"Hey." Marc yelled to Steven before following him into the room.

"Just a creepy caff filled with dead bodies. That's all it is. No prizes guessing whose room this is." Steven said sarcastically and pointing to Marc, "Yours."

"Funny." Marc said and he walked passed all the dead bodies he remembered them all, "Dubai. Gabon. New York. No way. Oh, man."

Steven went up the the scales and then looked at Marc and asked, "What, do you know these people? No. Oh, no. Surely not all of them? You killed all of them?"

Marc looked around. "They were criminals. Murderers. Predators." Marc explained to Steven as he walked around the room, "The worst of the worst. Khonshu wanted them punished. It's what he meant by protecting the travelers of the night."

"And you remember each person?" Steven asked

"You try taking a life. See how quickly you forget!" Marc yelled slightly at Steven, "Kept wishing I'd fail and one of them would kill me instead... The healing ended up being a curse."

Steven looked back at the scales and the movement got slower. Marc! Do you see this? Look." Steven told Marc and he walked over to Steven, "The Scales are slowing down. It's working."

"Okay, all right. So then, now what? What do we do? Do you go next?" Marc asked.

"Um... Who's that?" Steven asked pointing to the little boy, "Marc, why is there a child in a room filled with people that you've killed?"

"Steven, look, don't go near him." Marc stuttered and his face filled with guilt.

"Hey, little man. What's your name, there?" Steven waved and slowly walked up to him then the boy ran and Steven followed, "Oh, hold on there..Wait a moment."

" Steven. Wait! Wait!" Marc yelled following after them.

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