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Inside a building everyone was wearing black and there was a photo of Wendy up and Marc stood outside with Echo and Marc took a drink of what ever was in his flask.

His father signalled them to go in and Echo looked at Marc. "Do you wanna go in?" She asked

"No" Marc shuck his head and then his father moved away from the window. Echo put her hand on his shoulder.

"I wish I could stay longer but I have a date with my girlfriend...I will be back at the house if you need anything" Echo told him, he nodded and she kissed his cheek and walked away.

Couple minutes later Marc walked away and mumbled to himself, "No, no. Not gonna do it. I'm not giving you that satisfaction." He stared crying and fell onto his knees and cried. Steven knelt looking at the past Marc crying, "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."

Marc looked up and his eyes rolled back slightly and then went back to normal and he stopped crying.

"What... Where am I?" Steven looked around, "Bloody hell, what... Oh, bollocks. Not again."

Past Steven got up and grabbed his phone out his pocket. "Heya, Mum. Hey, you all right? Yeah, um..."past Steven chuckled slightly as Steven was still knelt on the floor crying a little.

"Would you believe it? I am totally lost again. I don't know where I am. What an absolute muppet!" Past Steven said over the phone and started walking away.

"No, I know I did it again, but I don't know. I'm looking down a street... Kinda looks a bit like Mayfair. I think... Oh, they're driving on the wrong side. Sorry." Past Steven said over the phone as he walked away.

Steven got up and went to Marc. "This is it. Mom's death and Shiva two months ago. This was the moment our lives started bleeding into each other." Marc explained to Steven in an upset tone.

"I couldn't... I just couldn't... I couldn't face that again." Marc wouldn't even look at Steven, "All the things I'd done..."

"Marc, all those horrible things that she said to you, she was wrong. It wasn't your fault." Steven said looking at Marc and Marc flinched at those words 'your fault'.

"I shouldn't have brought him in the cave." Marc repeated looking like he was honing to cry. Steven put his hand on Marc's shoulder.

"Hey. Hey. You were just a child. It wasn't your fault." Steven said and him and Marc looked at each other. They both looked like they wanted to burst into tears, marc the most. Then everything stated rumbling.

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