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Marc shouted hitting his face repeatedly. "Marc. Marc. Marc. Stop it. Stop it." Dr Harrow said calmly as  he knelt next to him and put his hand on his shoulder and Marc stopped hitting his face.

"Did you inject me with something?" Marc asked as he grabbed the side of his neck.

"You watch too many movies, all right?" Dr Harrow chuckled slightly as he got up and went to a small glass table, "We can't involuntarily sedate patients. Not these days, huh? I mean, not unless absolutely necessary."

Dr Harrow poured a water into a glass and Marc felt his nose to see if the bandage was still there but it wasn't his nose is fine.

"Oh, Marc, what you've been doing is so difficult. I'm so proud of you. Reliving these kind of traumatic memories can be so painful." Dr Harrow said as he wiped his forehead with a striped handkerchief, "They look and feel so real, and you have been at it for hours. Great work."

Dr Harrow grabbed the glass of water and walked back over to Marc and handed him the glass of water.

"It's really... You've been peering inward, looking deeply into all of the moments that make you, you. Here. Come on. Take it." Dr Harrow said as Marc took the glass of water, "Yeah. I'm so proud of you, Marc. Now just stay with me for one second, okay? I want you to consider this. Do you think you created Steven to hide from all of the awful things you feel you've done in your life?"

Marc looked into the reflection of the water. "Or do you think Steven created Marc to punish the world for what your mother did to you? Do you know? Can you remember?" Dr Harrow talked to Marc but he just stared at the reflection, "There's only one way to know. You're gonna have to open up to Steven. There can be no progress without understanding. Can you do that? Can you open up to Steven? I don't... This is my room. I remember some things, but I don't remember this."

Young Marc knocked his toys of his draws and sat in the corner of the room with his knees to his chest. There was a knock on the door.

Marc looked at his younger self and Steven looked around the room. "It's not Mom. It's not my mom. It's not my mom. It's not my mom." Young marc told himself over and over again.

There was another knock on the door. "Marc, open this door. Open this door right now. It's not my mom. Open this door." Wendy yelled

"It's not my mom. It's not my mom." He kept repeating then his eyes rolled back and then came back forward again.

"Bloody hell. Look at the state of this place. Better sort it out before Mum sees it." He said in a British accent as he began to pick up all of the things on the floor.

"Marc, open this door right now!" Wendy yelled as she banged on the door.

"When danger is near, Steven Grant has no fear." Steven read and he paused and looked at Marc. "You made me up."

" Open this door right now!" Wendy banged on the door and final it opened she stumbled in and grabbed a belt and walked over to young Marc, "You're gonna learn to listen."

Marc grabbed steven and gently pulled him to the door. "I wanna see what she did." Steven repeated and tried to get out of Marc's grip but he pushed him through the door.

"You disgusting human." Was all that was heard followed by repeated whips of a belt.

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