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Echo when she was 7

Echo and some younger girls were playing hide and seek outside. "Found you!" Echo laughed as she looked in a big wooden box.

Echo helped the girl out. Then they Heard the whistle. "Come on Olivia before we miss lunch!" Echo yelled as she began to walk away.

Oliver squealed and Echo turned and saw her face planted in the ground and two girls just a bit older than Olivia were standing behind her.

"Why did you do that?" Echo asked walking towards the girls and the girls stumbled back in fear.

Echo's eyes went black and dark shapes formed behind her. "Now back off before real trouble happens!" Echo snapped in a distorted voice.

The girls screamed, got up and ran inside. Echo helped Olivia up. Then echo and Olivia went in to the old dark building that was poorly lit.

In front of them stood one of the women who work there. "Olivia your food is on the table" she said looking at Olivia and then Olivia nodded and quickly walked to her food.

She turned to echo and gave her a stone cold look. "Echo maya and ebony told me what happen know what happens when you threaten other girls" she explained

"Yea-yes ma'am" echo stutter and nodded her head as she followed the woman to a small room with a cross on the door.

The room was so small the only way Echo could fit in it was if she curled her legs into her chest.

Once Echo was in the room the door shut behind her closing her into darkness.

Echo sat on the floor and curled up. The room was so small she swore it got smaller and smaller every time.

They kept Echo in that room for days sometimes even months. Sometimes Echo thinks they forgot about her because they never let her out until Olivia reminds them too.

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