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"Ugh how long are they gonna take?" Echo asked.

"Patience child patients" Khonsu replied with from the back of the car. Couple minutes later Echo saw Jake kick a wheel chair out the way and get into the car.

"Khonsu. You can't hurt us." Harrow said looking at Khonsu.

"Yeah. You wanna know something? Marc Spector truly believed that after he and I parted ways, I wanted his friend to be my Avatar." Khonsu explained, "Why would I ever need anybody else when he has no idea how troubled he truly is?"

"Meet my friend, Jake Lockley." Khonsu knocked on the window and the window separating the front and the back of the car came down.

Jake looked through the window. "hoy te toca perder(today is your turn to lose)" he said with a smirk as he held up.

"Wait." Harrow stuttered and Jake pulled the trigger and shot Harrow.

"Oh great now I have to clean the seats!" Echo complained as they drove away, "Khonsu where did you say we're going again?"

"To New York there's something there I need to protect" Khonsu replied with

"If you needed to protect it why don't you have it? And where will we stay?" Echo asked.

"There's a house waiting for you and because it was stolen from me" Khonsu told echo.

"Okay and what do I tell Marc and Steven?" Echo didn't want to lie to them anymore.

"Jake can tell them" Khonsu said.

"Why me?" He asked

"Because now stop whinging Jakie" echo said with a smile.

"Haha perra" he said and rolled his eyes.

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