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Then the sky went back to normal and Echo followed Marc through some streets and alleyways.

"That was a bit over the top don't you think?" Marc asked Khonsu

"Hurry there gathering their avatars now" Khonsu said ignoring Marc question.

"Aren't they scattered all over the world?" Marc asked

"Yes but for a meeting the Ennead a portal presents itself anywhere" Khonsu explained

"Okay. So where's mine?" Marc asked and then one of the walls started moving opening a space to walk it.

"Can I come with?" Echo asked

"I don't know if to can" Khonsu replied with.

"Oh well I will anyway" echo smiled

Marc walked towards the entrance. "Last time I spoke to the gods they banished me or case against Harrow must be indispensable" Khonsu said

Marc turned around and Khonsu was walking away. "Aren't you coming with?" Marc asked

"Oh I'll be there" Khonsu said and then disappeared

"Well this will be interesting to watch" echo chuckled. Then Marc and Echo walked through the entrance. They entered a room and there were statues of different gods.

"Oh my days were inside the great pyramid of Giza" Steven said in excitement. Marc just rolled his eyes.

They then walked down some steps. Then a woman came out of a hallway. "Khonsu's theatres are unparalleled. You must be his avatar? And you are?" the woman said.

"Hi and who are you?" Marc asked the woman.

"I'm Yayzil avatar of Hathor" the woma said.

"Okay" Marc replied with.

"Goddess of music and love?" She said

"Okay we get it no need to explain yourself" echo rolled her eyes.

"Yazil!" One of the avatars yelled to her and they walked forward.

"Has Khonsu told you how this works?" She asked

"Not really. Is there somethin' I should know?" He asked her.

"I try not to fight it" Yazil said as she walked up some steps to her seat, "and you both suit each other"

"In attendance Horus, Iris, Tefnut, Osiris and Hathor to hear the account of Khonsu" Hathor said through her avatar.

Then Marc's eyes glowed for a quick second and then they went back to normal. "You've been banished once before for nearly exposing us Khonsu" Osiris' avatar speaks, "and you know we despise your garishness your showy masks and weapons. But manipulate the sky again-"

"And you will imprison him in stone we know he told us now tell us something we don't already know?" Echo asked.

"Shut it and spare me your self-righteous threats!" Khonsu yelled through Marc, "I was banished for not abandoning humanity unlike the rest of you!"

"We have not abandoned humanity and  you were also banished for impregnating a mortal" Horus' avatar spoke.

"Are you on about me. Because if you are I'm right here" echo said to the gods.

"Is this your daughter?" Another avatar asked

"Yes but that is not why we are her!" Khonsu yelled to the gods.

"Speak your purpose!" Another commanded.

"I call for judgment against Arthur Harrow!" Khonsu yelled

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