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Harrow stood on the top of the pyramid and began chanting in ancient Egyptian. And then there was a purple light. "Oi mate I don't think you should have done that!" Echo said as she appeared behind Harrow.

"Followers of Ammit, judge everyone." A woman said as the followers grabbed peoples arms and started judging people.

The souls of the unbalanced went to ammit feeding her making her grow bigger. "Holy shit!" Echo said in a surprised tone.

"Well I must say we're gonna die" echo said and Harrow just looked at her.

A huge piece of rock fell. Layla walked out in her golden and white armour. She grabbed behind her back to reveal wings and two swords attached.

Echo saw Marc fly up to them and Harrow ran down to him followed by echo. Marc and Harrow ran up to each other and Marc kneed him in the face and echo kicked him in the back

Khonsu appeared behind ammit and went to hit her with his staff but she caught it. Ammit went to bite Khonsu but he disappeared and then reappeared and pushed ammit to the pyramid with his staff.

Khonsu held her down with his staff by her neck.

Marc Echo and Harrow landed in the streets of Cairo. "Ahh shit that hurt!" Echo groaned as she sat up of the ground.

"There is so little difference in what we want for this world. Why do this dance for the rest of time?" Ammit said

"You know the answer. I only punish those who have chosen evil." Khonsu said and ammit wrapped her tail around Khonsu.

"So do I, only I don't give them the satisfaction of committing it." Ammit said as she used her tail to trip Khonsu up.

"Be at my side." Ammit said as she walked up to Khonsu.
Marc groaned and Echo helped him of the floor and then Harrow knocked him down again. "Seriously what your problem?" Echo asked as she went to help Marc up.

Harrow aimed his staff at echo and Marc. Then Layla flew down and kicked Harrow out the way. "Layla?!" Echo said as her and Marc got off the floor.

"Holy shit Layla you look absolutely...mind blowing" echo said as she looked at her suit. Harrow went to shoot Layla and she blocked it making the blast his Harrow instead.

"That was awesome" Echo said and Marc walked up to Echo and wrapped his arms around her protectively. Echo smiled.

"Wow, you look amazing. What are you wearing?" Steven asked Layla and he moved his arms from around Echo. Then they looked and saw Harrow and then some men with guns walk towards them.

"Why fight, knowing you will fail?" Ammit asked as Khonsu stood on his feet.

" Because it is my choice! The very thing you take away." Khonsu said as he picked up his staff and hit ammit.

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