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"I better help him now" echo said as she went up to help him since he was being whacked agains a bus.

Then a car came and crashed into Steven and the jackal knocking Steven into the ground and then echo started fighting the jackal.

Steven groaned as he lifted himself of the road and he looked into the reflection of the bus window and Marc smirked, "that was a hell of a punch back there"

"Look around" Marc told Steven and he did look around and echo was fighting the jackal while it tried to kill people, "someone's gonna get hurt if you don't let me help"

"Alright do it. Take control for now" Steven said his eyes glowed as his suit changed.

"What are you just gonna stand there or are ya gonna help get it out of here?!" Echo asked and Marc just ran and the jackal followed.

Echo sighed in relief. If only she has a suit. She was aching everywhere she was pretty sure that she had busies somewhere. She limped away from Layla and teleported to Marc.

He wasn't in the suit anymore and he was checking his pockets. "No. Where is it? Where is it?" Marc asked himself

"He lost it didn't he?" Echo asked making Marc jump a little.

"Yeah now what do you want?" He asked her rudely.

"Shit!" He yelled and went onto his knees and sat on his feet.

"I'm sure it's fine we can get it back" echo said sweetly  

"You think it's that easy?!" He yelled and echo backed up.

"Alright last time I be nice to you" echo scoffed

"Yeah you say that" Marc said echo looked at him

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Echo  yelled at him.

"So this is what it's like. Being on the inside?" Steven asked from the reflection.

"Yeah" Marc nodded and turned his attention to the reflection.

"It's horrible"

"It's all right. You're all right" Marc told Steven, "just breathe through it. It get easier"

"How long you been doing this?" Steven asked

"I don't know it's...a long time" Marc said. Echo could feel his emotions he was angry and upset he also felt guilt.

"I don't want it. Can I have my body back?" Steven asked

"I can't do that right now Steven" Marc said as for up.

"Please" Steven begged

"I'm sorry we've all ways managed to keep a wall between us but somethings changed. The one who controls the body has become stronger" Marc explained to Steven.

Then Steven and Marc started arguing "shut up!" Marc yelled repeatedly as he smashed the mirror. Echo has never seen Marc so annoyed before.

Echo noticed Khonsu on the roof of a building. "Umm...Marc we have a visitor" echo told Marc.

"You swore he would not interfere" Khonsu said, Marc turned to face him.

"I know I'll handle it" Marc said, Khonsu disappeared and appeared somewhere else

"You have proven you cannot" Khonsu said

"I will" Marc said.

"Ungrateful Marc altering the terms of our agreement! You were nothing more than a corpse when I found you. You think you own this body?" Khonsu told Marc.

Khonsu appeared behind Marc and Marc turned around. "It belongs to me" Khonsu said almost in a whisper.

"We'll find the scarab" Marc told him

"Will we 'cause I'm not the one who lost it" echo said

"Shut it I'm not talking to you!" Khonsu said, "it's too late Harrow has it"

"Yeah and I wasn't talking to you either" echo replied crossing her arms.

"You can hear him?" Marc asked echo

"And he him he's a giant with a bird skull head right?" Echo asked

"Impossible unless..." Khonsu trailed off

"Unless I'm your daughter you had with a human" echo added

"Then we will find another way with out the scarab. To get to ammits tomb first" Marc said interrupting the conversation between Khonsu and Echo.

"You know I'll protect you with everything I have" Khonsu told Marc.

"Okay so what about me? Because I can't just undue myself out of this mess" echo told Khonsu.

"And I will protect you and if your my daughter why don't you just summon your suit?" Khonsu replied with

"Wait I have a suit?!" Echo asked in a surprised tone.

"I will do what ever it takes then. Then you let me go" Marc said

"I know that you enjoy the work I have for you we need each other" Khonsu explained to Marc

"We have a deal" Marc said to Khonsu

"Let me remind you, should we part you may not like my next candidate" Khonsu told Marc and Marc nodded and looked down then back up to Khonsu.

"Where we going?" Marc asked

"Where the hell do you think?" Khonsu asked and then walked over to echo, "and your going with him!"

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