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⚠️mention of blood/gory⚠️

They entered a room and it had table in the middle of it covered in blood and chunks of human flesh. There was some bones scattered across places.

"Oh wow" Steven gasped.

"Oh. Heka priests. Judging by the masks and ceremonial stance. They would have been entombed in here to protect the pharaoh" Layla said.

"So you guys are fascinated by the colourful pictures on the wall and not the stone table covered in blood?" Echo asked.

"Oh my god is that fresh blood? Isn't that little chunks of meaty bits?" Steven gaged.

Echo whipped her finger across the blood and smelt it. "Yep definitely fresh" echo said and she wiped blood onto her thin jack.

"Let's keep moving" Layla suggested.

"Yeah" Steven agreed and then the tel here of them started walking again then Steven stopped, "I'm just saying what I see and I see lots of bones and blood going that way"

"Yeah no shit Sherlock! Because we definitely don't have eyes!" Echo snapped

"Look there's an opening up there you see that?" Steven asked and he shined the torches light up to what looks like a huge wounded shelf.

"Should we check it out?" Steven asked

"Yeah" "no!" Layla and Echo said overlapping each other.

"Alright you first Steven" echo said

"Me?" Steven asked

"Well it was your brilliant idea" echo sighed

"Yeah. Yeah alright" Steven said as he went and climbed up.

"Echo your next" Layla said.

"Okay" echo sighed and Layla pushed her up and Steven pulled her.

"Thanks but that really didn't help my leg!" Echo hissed then Steven turn around to the writing on the wall.

"So according to the ancient texts Ammit should be bound to an ushabit...those statue thingies" Steven then rambled on about more things.

"Steven?" Layla whispered

"Yeah?" Steven replied with

"The exit" Layla whispered

"Oh yeah" Steven said and check and then he rushed back, "yeah we can go this way!"

Then there were guns firing in the distance. "Harrow?" Echo said.

"But what are they shouting at?" Steven asked

"I don't know" Layla replied with then there was a clicking sound the got closer.

"Hide! hide!" Steven shouted whispered. The clicking continued.

"What the fuck is it?" Echo asked as she peaked over the edge to look, "eww it look gross and poor man... well he's dead" then echo backed away from the edge.

They heard the metal scrape of the rock and they heard it impale the man. The man groaned as the thing cut into him.

Steven gaged and Layla panicked and echo was just confused. Steven peaked to have a look and then he stumbled back.

"Steven be quiet or your gonna get us all killed!" Echo whispered. Steven peaked again and then put his hand over his mouth.

Echo grabbed Steven and pulled him away. Layla slowly tried to move away then she knocked something making it fall but luckily she caught it.

Layla carried on movie and the creature got closer to her and Steven had this look on his face.

"Steven don't you think about it! Don't you do it! You do something stupid and I will ditch you!" Echo yelled quietly giving Steven a serious look.

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