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Layla ran until she had to stop when she reach a cliff. Layla grabbed a red match and lit it she hung it over the cliff and she dropped it and watched it fall.

It kept falling for ages. Layla pressed her back against the wall and began walking along a thin piece of the cliff.

Once she made it to the other side another creature jumped out at her making her fall right to the edge. Layla fought of the creature the best she could and then she kicked it making it stumble of the cliff.

Steven and Echo enter a huge room with a sarcophagus in it. "Oh, my days. First one in. Tomb fit for a pharaoh. Thutmose II." Steven gasped he looked so excited to be here right now, "Nefertiti. Oh, it's gotta be one of the big'uns."

Steven walked up to the golden sarcophagus. "So, you kissed her." Marc asked as Steven was about opened up the sarcophagus but then he stopped.

"What are you gonna do? Try and drown us now?" Steven asked Marc.

"Steven doesn't this look a bit fancy to you?" Echo asked Steven as she looked over his shoulder to the closed golden sarcophagus.

Well..Yeah, I should. But you're kind to Echo. Does she not get on your nerves?" Marc told Steven.

"Yeah sometimes" Steven replied to Marc before replying to echo, "Yeah...Wow. Look at that. Look at all these relics."

"It's just like a bunch of squiggles what am I looking at?" Echo asked Steven and gave him a confused look.

"No. What? No way. That's not right." Steven said sounding excited and confused, "That can't be right. That's Macedonian. But the only pharaoh... But, I mean, he insisted on calling himself Egyptian. But... I think we're looking at the long-lost tomb of Alexander the Great."

"Long lost tomb of who?!" Echo asked Steven. She did not get this at all.

"You handled that beautifully." Harrow said as he walked up to Layla.

"Why do all men like you feel it necessary to be just so condescending?" Layla asked sarcastically. Then guns fired in the distance. Harrow spoke another language and the fire slowly got quieter.

"My little scarab. Isn't that what your father used to call you?" Harrow slowly walked up to Layla, "Abdullah El-Faouly. One of Egypt's most unique archaeologists."

Layla looked confused she doesn't know how he knows any of this stuff.
"He would be so proud of you if he knew that you were among the first to confirm for the world what he always believed." Harrow told her, "Egyptian gods walk among us. The scales achieve their judgment by revealing to me moments of sin and pain."

Harrow paused before carrying on, "And your friend Marc... He is in agony. More pain than anyone could bear the same with echo and they still hasn't told you the truth."

"Well, you're obviously dying to. So why don't you just go ahead? The floor is yours." Layla said as she brushed the bits of sand of herself.

"I read there scales. The scales do not lie. But echos didn't balance yet she is still alive" Harrow told Layla

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