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"Steven don't you think about it! Don't you do it! You do something stupid and I will ditch you!" Echo yelled quietly giving Steven a serious look.

Steven moved making one of the board creak and once the creature looked up Steven jumped back in fear.

The creature jumped up to where Echo and Steven are. Steven gasped loudly and then Echo quickly covered his mouth and slowly pulled him behind her.

Echo and Steven saw the creature fingers peaking through the gaps in the boards. The creature got up and grabbed echo's ankle.

Echo kicked the creature making it fall and her a long with it. Echo quickly grabbed onto the edge of the boards. Echo screamed as the creature pulled her down making her lose her grip.

"Steven give me the body. Now! Steven!" Marc yelled.

"Alright but I'm having it back!" Steven yelled to Marc. Marc to control of the body and he grabbed onto Echo's hand just before she fell.

"Okay I'm going to pull you on the court to three" Marc said with his American accent, "1...2...3!" Marc pulled Echo up and she kicked the creature but it wouldn't go away.

"What the hell is that thing?!" Marc asked and looked at echo.

"I don't know it's a...umm...thing that tried to kill me!" Echo yelled.

"Marc can I-" Steven said before Marc interrupted him.

"Not now Steven!"

Then Layla threw something making the creature jump to where she was. Then Steven took the body back.

The creature ran up to Layla. "Run! Run and we'll find you!" He yelled in his British accent.

Layla ran and the creature followed. Then Steven pushed a shelf of things onto the creature and he turned to echo with a smile. "I squished it! I squished it!" He repeated happily.

Echo was happy for him but she gave him an angry look.

"Well I almost died because of you. What do you have to say to me?" Echo told Steven.

"Umm...sorry. I'm sorry" Steven said with a guilt look on his face.

"Don't listen to her Steven she's in a mood 'cause you took the body back" Marc told Steven.

"Look I will give Marc the body of you want" Steven said. Echo turned away like an unhappy child.

"To late. Let's just go" echo sighed and she limped to the exit.

"Yeah! Yeah okay!" Steven said and follows Echo through the exit.

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