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"My path is set, same as anyone's. I'm here to bring balance." Ammit told Khonsu.

"Yeah sorry isn't that what Khonsu does though too?" Echo asked.

"You speak of balance, yet you choose him. Your Avatar is a sinner!" Khonsu said to ammit.

"Yeah he is alright with child murder what a monster" echo said and Khonsu looked at her.

Silence you idiot. You're jealous of his loyalty." Ammit said to echo and Khonsu.

"Loyalty at what cost? An empty world for your disciples to inherit?" Khonsu said

"Don't listen to him. He only wants to keep you bound." Harrow told ammit

"Don't listen to the idiot!" Echo yelled.

Marc went up to Steven who was a stone statue outside of a gate. "Steven." Marc sighed and knelt in front of Steven, "Looking pretty rough, man. I don't know if you can hear me. From the moment you arrived, way back then, we were so young. You saved me. I survived because I knew I wasn't alone. You were always there, alive, full of hope. And I tried to protect that, and I failed. I couldn't protect you."

Marc gasped as he felt the stone trap his hand. "But you didn't abandon me. You didn't abandon me." Marc sniffed a little, "And although that field back there was looking... It was looking pretty good... There's no way in hell I'm gonna abandon you. You are the only real superpower... I ever had."

Marc placed his heart in his and Steven's hand and he turned to stone as well. The gate opened slightly allowing light to shine through the heart and the gates opened wider and the stone disappeared from Marc and Steven.

"Marc." "Steven." They said overlapping each other and they helped each other of the sand.

"You came back? What the hell's wrong with you?" Steven said with a smile.

"Well, I did a whole little speech there. Steven: It wasn't that little." Marc and Steven laughed and they hugged each other.

"Marc, look. The Gates are open!" Steven said pointing to the gates.

"Oh, Khonshu, for a God, you are low on faith." Ammit said

"You'll never learn." Khonsu said as he held his moon Staff a Ammit. Ammit growled before using her tail to hit Khonsu and Echo.

Echo grunts as her back and head hits off a wall. Khonsu on the other handed used his ability to help him stand and attacked ammit. He jumped to a statue and then jumped to ammit but she grabbed him and threw him down so his back hit the stairs.

Marc and Steven look at the gate not knowing a wave of sand forming behind them. Marc looked back and saw the wave and he patted Steven's back making Steven turn his head.

"Oh, bollocks. Come on. Let's go!" Steven said as they both helped each other to the gate.

"Come on, let's go." Marc said as they tried to walk fast.

"You can do it! Almost there!" Steven said and one of Marc's left were dragging behind making it harder to move.

"Yeah. I'm slowing us down. Just go." Marc said trying to push Steven.

"Come on!" Steven fought Marc from pushing him and then he helped him to the gates.

"Coming through! Osiris, you old softie! Now, run!" Taweret yelled as she used the boat to move the wave of sand.

Steven cheered, "Whoo! Hippo!" Marc started moving and pulled Steven along  with him.

"Tell me to spare you, and I will." Ammit said as she walked over to Khonsu.

Khonsu looked over to the unconscious echo and then back to ammit. "I choose obliteration over mercy." Khonsu slowly got up.

"We're almost there! Come on!" Steven said as they got closer to the gate. Marc gasped as he woke in the water.

Marc crawled up the small steps of steps. "Khonshu..." Marc said weakly. The bullets fell out of Marc's body and he stood up and the suit began to wrap its self around him.

"All right. Here we go" he said to himself in deep breathes.

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