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(⚠️mention of guns and blood and attempt of suicide⚠️)

Marc and Steven fell and they went into  another memory. Teenage Marc walked away in anger.

"Marc, son. Please come inside. She will get help." The father pleaded Marc to stay with him.

"Dad." Steven said as Marc pushed him to the door to leave.

"We will fix this." The father said and Marc turned around quickly.

"You're supposed to fix this. I mean... Why haven't you?" Marc yelled slightly.

"I cannot lose another son. Please. Please..." the father said and gently put his arm on Marc shoulder and Marc threw it off and walked away.

"That's enough, Steven." Marc sighed and tried to grab Steven to the door but Steven and Marc fell again

"Get off me!" Steven yelled and eventually got out of Marc grip and spat out pieces of sand.

Steven and Marc were in the sand standing out side an old temple. Bodies lied outside along with Echos. Marc looked around remembering the memory

Steven ran up to echo. "Is she alright?" Steven asked Marc.

"Yeah she's alright" Marc told Steven. Echo groaned in pain as she got up, she touched her head and looked at her hands.

Her finger tips covered in blood. She turned her head to look at the bodies and then she saw one that she recognised.

"Is that Doctor El Faouly? Layla's dad?" Steven asked pointing to where echo ran of to.

"Mr El Faouly!" Echo yelled as she dropped onto her knees next to him, "no please...please don't..." echo cried as she couldn't feel his pulse.

"So where are you at this point Marc?" Steven asked and Marc looked over to the doors of the temple and he no past him limps into the temple where some bodies were. Steven went in and so did Marc.

Past Marc tripped on one of the bodies and couldn't get back up. He crawled up two set of stairs and rested. Just below a statue that looked like Khonsu.

Marc was N covered in blood and wounds and he held up a gun to the bottom of his chin and shut his eyes and went to pull the trigger. "What a waste" Khonsu scoffed and Marc opened one eye to see who's there.

"Huh?" He asked as he moved his finger of the trigger and opened his other eye.

"I feel the pain inside of you." Khonsu said and Marc looked up to the statue.

"What the hell are you?" Marc asked

"I am the god Khonshu, in search of a warrior." Khonsu replied with firmly.

"A warrior. Well, good luck with that." Marc scoffed, almost laughed a little and coughed and held his wound on his side.

"To be my hands, my eyes, my vengeance. To be my final word against the evildoers." Khonsu explained and Marc moved the gun away from under his chin, "To bind your very being to me and eradicate only the worst, those who deserve it. Do you want death or do you want life?"

"I don't know." Marc sighed and looked down at the gun he was holding.

"Marc! Marc! Oh god! Marc!" Echo yelled she sounded angry and scared, she fears the worst.

"Your mind, I feel it. Fractured. Broken. Most fascinating. You are a worthy candidate to serve me during this time." Khonsu explained as Marc walked up to his past self and Steven stood just a few inches behind, "In exchange for your life, do you swear to protect the travelers of the night and bring my vengeance to those who would do them harm?"

Past Marc just looked up to the statue not knowing what to do and Steven looked at Marc. "That sneaky old vulture. He was manipulating you from the start." Steven told Marc.

"Yeah, well, he kept us alive." Marc replied with and sighed.

"Marc, he was taking advantage of you." Steven said sadly.

"Or it was just a way for me to keep being what I've always been." Then t paused, "A killer."

"Do you swear to protect the travelers of the night and bring my vengeance to those who would do them harm?" Khonsu asked again.

"Yes." Marc said weakly. Then Steven saw the scales they were getting slower and they were so slow that they looked like they weren't moving.

"Look. The Scales. Have we done it? Have we balanced them?" Steven asks pointing to the scales and Marc looked over at the scales.

"Then rise. Rise and live again. As my fist of vengeance." Khonsu yelled slightly and Marc and Steven looked over.

Past Marc's eyes glowed and he stood up. "As my Moon Knight." Khonsu finished and then the suit wrapped its way around Marc.

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