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"Hey, I'm really jazzed about showing you these new skillsets we have." Steven said with a smile.

"All right, show us what you got." Echo said

"Yeah?" Steven looked at echo then Layla.

"Yeah." Layla said and Steven, echo and Layla ran up to the man. Steven punch two in the cheats and Echo threw knives at three of the men.

Steven hit a couple more of the men with the metal poles. Steven threw to pile to Harrow and Harrow used his staff and hit it out of the way and it came back and Marc caught it.

The men fell to the floor echo and Marc looked at each other. "God he hot" echo sighed and then looked to the front where more men were with guns.

Ammit hit Khonsu in the back with her tail making him fall to the ground. Ammit went up to Khonsu and boy his side.

Layla Marc and Echo fought more men with guns. Echo and Marc went up to Harrow while Layla fought guys with guns.

Echo went to staple him but he hit her with his staff and Marc used his crescent shaped weapons and then Harrow used his staff to blast them back and echo flew through a shop window.

Harrow went up to echo and picked her up by her neck and dragged her out of the shop. Echo went to stab him and he grabbed her hand and turned it so her knife was facing her and he pushed it towards her.

Steven pushed Harrow away from Echo making the knife graze her shoulder. Harrow elbow Steven in the face making him stumble back onto a wall.

Harrow went to punch Steven in but he blocked it and punched Harrow twice and then he fixed his suit.

He went to kick Harrow then he caught it and flung Steven to another building. Marc flew out and kicked Harrow.

Harrow went to move then Echo and Layla grabbed each arm letting Marc punch him. "Haha team work!" Echo yelled as Harrow went to the floor.

Harrow got up and started pushing Layla and Marc into the open streets. A purple blast hit a van full of people.

Layla saw and went over stopping it from tipping onto a little girl. Echo kicked the guy that was shooting at Layla.

"Your welcome" echo said as the man fell to the floor. Then more men came and Layla and echo fought them of each with there own weapons.

Harrow flipped Marc so he no longer had hold of the cane(staff same thing lol)

"Had A mm it been allowed to rule, young Randall's life would've been saved, your family would've been happy. She need only remove one weed from the garden. You." Harrow grunted as he hit Marc with the blast coming from his cane and walked closer to him.

Marc grabbed his crescent shaped weapon but Harrow stopped it and sent it flying pinning Layla to the car and then the blast hit Marc.

"Marc!" Echo yelled as she stopped trying to help Layla. Marc groaned as the mask came of his face. Harrow walked up to him. Marc saw Khonsu getting hit by his own staff by ammit.

Harrow hit the bottom of the staff in the centere of the suit and a glowing purple light came from it. Marc yelled in pain. He looked over to Echo and Layla being surrounded and Layla was being shot at.

Marc looked back up to Harrow and lifted his hand up and hit the bottom of the cane and got up. "Echo a little help would be nice. Por favor" he said looking at echo. He had a different accent that wasn't Marc or Steven.

"Alright" echo sighed and she went up to him and her eyes went completely black and a dark cloud surrounded Harrow's neck and he punched him and hit Harrow with his own cane. They also killed the people who were shooting at Layla.

Echo removed the dark clouds from around Harrow's neck and he grabbed his shirt and went to hit him in the head with the back of his cane until he stopped.

He dropped Harrow and the cane and stood up. "That wasn't you, was it, Steven?" He asked and his suit changed

"Not a chance, mate." Steven said as he looked around. His suit changed again.

"Marc? Echo?" Layla said

"Yeah." Marc said

"What the hell was that?" Layla asked

"I blacked out." Marc replied with

"Oh that was just...I don't know" echo said but changed her mind not to say anything about Jake right now. Marc looked at her and she just shrugged.

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