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The boy ran into the room and Steven followed and quickly shut the door. "Come on! No, wait! Steven! Steven!" Marc yelled and tried to open the door but Steven locked it, "Open the door! Open the door! Open the door!"

Marc banged on the door repeatedly and tried to open it. Steven walked away from the door and there was a woman near the barbecue.

"Mom?" Steven said as he walked closer.

"Food's ready. Who's hungry? RoRo?" The mother asked looking back to two young boys and the father.

"Mom, come check out my drawing." The youngest boy said as he coloured in a one finned fish.

"He drew the fish with only one fin." Young Marc smiled as he looked at the drawing.

"Marc, be nice to your little brother." The mother told young Marc.

"I had a brother?" Steven asked himself.

"I'm not hungry. Want to go to the cave?" Marc asked RoRo. RoRo nodded and put the pencil down and got up and went with Marc. 

"We'll eat later." Young Marc smiled

"Boys? Don't be gone too long."the father said.

"Hey, hey, hey, Marc." The mother said and walked up the the two boys, "Keep an eye on your brother. Okay?"

"Laters, gators." Young Marc smiled before him and RoRo took off.

"In a while, crocodile." The mother yelled back with a smile. Steven followed after them.

Marc walked down hallway after hallway try to find another why into the memory. The quickly looked into everything window of a door.

"Where'd they go?" Steven asked himself as he pushed leafy branches out of his way to keep up with the boys.

"Let's do it. Let's go." Marc said with a smile.

"Okay. Okay, okay, fine, but... I'll be Rosser, though." RoRo sighed as they walked through long grass.

"Can you hear that, Dr. Grant?" RoRo asked in a British accent

"I sure do, Rosser. Sounds to me like danger." Young Marc smiled and said in his British accent.

"Dr. Grant?" Steven said to himself. Thunder rumbled and it started to rain.

"Mom said not to when it's raining." RoRo said in his normal voice.

" It'll be fine. Don't be a baby." Young Marc said in his normal voice and went into the cave and RoRo and Steven followed until Steven stepped on something.

He looked down and saw a hummingbirds skull and the boys ran into the cave. "That was awesome." Steven heard RoRo gasp from the cave.

"Oh." Steve sighed as he ran into the cave and the water started rising, "Oh, God. Oh, no."

Steven went deeper in the cave to try and find the boys. "Lads? You have to get out of here!" Steven yelled to them, "Boys? Don't go any further! The water's rising way too fast! You got to get out of here. Boys? Where are they?"

Steven felt the water rising deeper and deeper

"Boys? Come on, lads!" Steven yelled the water was just passed his waist at this point, "We have to leave now! Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Where are you?

The water now reached his neck and it's still rising. "RoRo! Follow my voice!" Young Marc yelled.

"Boys!" Steven yelled.

"Mommy! Mommy! I want my mommy!" RoRo yelled in the distance

"I hear you!" Steven yelled the water reached his chin now and it was still raising.

"Mommy!" RoRo yelled

"I hear you, Marc!" Steven yelled

"RoRo!" Steven heard young Marc yell.
Marc reached the door and could hear everything. "It's just a memory. It is just a memory." He told himself repeatedly

"Help!" He heard young Marc yell

"Mommy!" RoRo yelled. Marc looked at the door next to him and it was inside the house and everyone was wearing black.

"Damn it, Steven." Marc sighed and he reached for the handle and opened the door.

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