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Steven scanned the little toys and put them in a plastic box. Echo came out of her hiding spot and went up to Steven.

"Okay I will tell the story now" was all she said making Steven jump.

"Your- your not supposed to be here after closing hours" he stuttered.

"Yeah well I stayed so yeah" Echo replied with giving him a smile. Then everything got darker. Then Steven put the things down and started walking away.

"Wait I-" Echo stared until she was interrupted by a loud noise of a dog. "Oh bloody hell" Steven muttered.

And then the dog squealed. Steven turned to Echo and she just shrugged their shoulders. He started walking to where the noise was coming from.

"Here boy!" He yelled.

"What are you doing?!" Echo asked in a yell whisper, "it could be dangerous!"

Then Steven whistled completely ignoring Echo. "Where are you you little bugger?" Steven said.

"We're gonna die" Echo whispered to themself. Then Echo saw something move in the corner of her eye making there heart beat a bit faster.

"Here boy!" Steven yelled as he looked for the creature and he whistled again. Then it growled. Echo and Steven went to run but then they both saw a shadow and it looked like a huge dog maybe a wolf, then it disappeared again.

"You saw that didn't you?" Steven asked Echo.

"Yep" Echo replied with, it doesn't help when she's scared and she feels Steven fear at the same time making things 10x worse. Then the creature move closer and closer to them and then Echo pulled Steven behind a tall square artefact.

Steven clutched onto his bag in fear. "Steven grant of the gift shop and Echo Grey the thief" Arthur spoke through the speaker, Steven looked at Echo in shock she was a thief.

"Give me the scarab and you both won't be torn apart" Arthur commanded and the creature growled but it was closer.

Steven then chucked his bag and he got up and ran, Echo followed after him. Then the creature followed and it jumped up onto the wall and stared running.

Echo followed Steven and the creature followed them both. Then they ran into a room and Steven quickly grabbed some metal shelves and blocked the way but the creature jumped over it and growled.

Then echo ran into a room full of working sinks that it surrounded by mirrors and she dragged Steven in, quickly shutting the door before the creature came in and she locked it.

"Oh god!" Steven yelled with his shaking voice. "Steven" the voice yelled to Steven again. Steven turned to his reflection.

"Steven what is it?" Echo asked.

"Steven I can save us" the voice said, "...and her"

"Steven your scarin' me" Echo told Steven.

"But I can't have you fightin' me this time" the voice told Steven. Steven looks at his reflection then to Echo then back at his reflection.

"You need to give me control. You understand?" The voice said to him.

"No what...control of what? What are you talking about?" Steven spoke to the reflection. The creature banged on the door denting it even more.

"Steven the door!!" Echo yelled.

"That things about to break through the door. We're out of time!" The voice told Steven as it walked towards the door.

Steven looked terrified not knowing what to do. "All right hey. Listen to me" the voice told Steven.

"Damn it! No!" Steven yelled shaking his head, "your not real!" Steven slapped himself like you do in a dream to wake yourself up.

"Steven this is very real" Echo told him.

"See even she knows it's real. I'm real" the voice told Steven.

"No! You're not real! None of this is real" Steven yelled as he pointed to his reflection.

"Yes Steven. You gotta give me control. It's the only way and she is definitely not gonna help us" the voice told him calmly.

"I'm going to die" Steven mumbled repeatedly. "Steven your not going to die. Let me save us...and Echo" the voice told Steven.

Then Steven nodded his head and then a suit appeared on him. Echo seen it before and it looked like a mummy with a hood and a crescent moon in the centre of his chest.

Then the creature broke though the door and attacked both of them. Then a dark cloud a purple colour surrounded Echos hand and she held there hand up the the creature and the dark clouds surrounded the creature. "Your welcome Marc!" Echo spat and then walked away.

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