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Steven looked at everyone they were quiet and looked upset and they all wore back then Marc came up to Steven.

"Hey, Steven." Marc said. Steven looked at Marc in sadness and he had tears in his eyes.

"I want my RoRo back. I want him back." The mother cried and young Marc slowly walked downstairs dressed all in black, "What are you doing here? Hmm?"

"Come on, buddy." Marc told Steven like he doesn't want to relive this memory.

"You were supposed to keep him safe!" The mother yelled at him sadly. Steven cried a little.

"Steven, let's go." Marc said to Steven again.

"You let him drown. This is all your fault! This is all your fault!" The Mother screamed and cried.

Then young Marc ran up the stairs and Steven looked at Marc then followed young Marc up the stairs.

"Hey, Steven. Come here. Come here! Stop, stop! Don't go up there! Stop!" Marc yelled to Steven as he ran up the stairs.
Young Marc sat at the table and a cake with candles and he wore a party hat.
"Wendy? Wendy, come on, please. Wendy, please. We're just about to blow out the candles now." His father yelled up the stairs.

He slowly walked back to young Marc. "She's not coming." Young Marc sighed.

"Your mother's not feeling well, Marc. We'll do it just you and I this year. Okay?" The father explained to young Marc and sat down.

Marc blowed out the candles leaving one lit and then the father blew the other one out.

"Steven!" Marc yelled as he ran up the stairs. Steven ran up the other stairs.

"Steven!" Marc yelled and followed Steven up the stairs.

"You can't have a birthday without your favorite cake!" The father chuckled as he brought the cake to Marc and placed it in front of him, "Get started on these, okay, son?"

"You were always jealous of him."Wendy(the mother) chuckled slightly as she walked over so I'm holding a wine glass and bottle, "Ever since he was born. I... I should've known you would do something like this."

Young Marc jumped up and ran upstairs. "Mum, what are you doing?"
Steven asked with tears in his eyes and he ran upstairs and young Marc went into a room and the door
Shut behind him.

"Steven!" Marc yelled before he ran upstairs to Steven and just before Steven went into the room Marc held him back not wanting to look at old memories.

"What happened in that room, Marc?"
Steven asked trying to get into the room.

"That's it, Steven. That's it. All right! All right." Marc told Steven.

"Why are you remembering her like that? That's not what she was like." Steven said sadly as he tried to get out of Marc's grip.

"No. Let me go." Steven yelled, "Let me back in there. What are you hiding? What are you hiding?"

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