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Steven woke up on a bus, Echo was with him. She was in there. "Steven you see that two right?" Echo asked pointing to the bird man the met before then he disappeared like he was never there.

Then the bus stopped. "Well this is my stop catch ya' later Steven" Echo said before he left the bus to go to work.


Echo finished work early so she went of to the museum to see if they have any new Egyptian artefacts. She knew nothing about Egyptians but she likes the artefacts. That's when she noticed Steven was talking to this guy with a crocodile staff and a scales. Tattoo. Arthur Harrow.

" shit" she mumbled as she recognised the tattoo. "Mate I don't have your bloody beetle I swear-" Steven said.

Echo went up to Steven. "But she knows where it is" Harrow said and then he looks up to the pillar with a crocodile lady on it, "the scarab doesn't belong to me, it belongs to her."

"Shit Steven let's go" Echo told Steven. Then Steven and Echo started walking away. Steven was so confused about everything. He doesn't even really know Echo.

They both tried to get way but every exit was blocked. "Where's the scarab?" Harrow asked again.

"You ass I don't have it!" Echo yelled. Then the lights flickered and Arthur told Steven something and he grabbed Steven's arms and his tattoo started rapidly moving the scales were unbalanced.

"There's chaos in you" Harrow told him. "Let's go! Now!" Echo yelled and then she grabbed Steven's wrists and dragged him through the free exit.

"Okay what the bloody hell is going on?!" Steven asked once they came to a stop.

"It's a long complicated story" Echo told him

"Yeah well you better bloody say because I am freaking out!" Steven yelled. Echo could feel the anger and fear and confusion that Steven felt.

"Well they seem to be gone so you can go back to work now" Echo told Steven and he did he just left. Echo stayed in the museum because she felt something off and so she  hid somewhere until it was closed and only Steven was in there to do his job not knowing that Echo was still in there.

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