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Echo was 18-20

Echo walked the streets when she got a bit hungry and she snuck into a shop echo slipped a few thing into her pockets and walked around like she was looking for something and she stuffed it all in her backpack.

Then after a while she left the shop. She was walking Down the streets when she bumped into someone her age with a duffel bag he had a white jumper on and a pastel green jacket.

"Hey watch we're your going!" The boy yelled to Echo.

"Well maybe you shouldn't be in my way then!" Echo spat before she put a chocolate in her mouth.

"Hey thief! Stop her!" The guy from the shop yelled. Echo ran a police car chased after  her and the boy followed in curiosity.

Echo slid into a alleyway and hid behind a bin. The boy looked for her and yelled causing attention. Echo groaned and got up and pulled him into the alleyway behind the bin.

The police cars searched looking down every alleyway. Echo covered the boys mouth. "Sit and be quite!" Echo whispered in a commanding voice.

Echo got up and went to check if there gone. "Okay now follow me!" Echo told the boy and he follows her till they got to a flat roof of a building.

It had a little den in the centre of the roof. "Don't worry the building is abandoned so I just roam the place but up here is my favourite spot" echo explained to the boy, "wait I didn't catch your name?"

"Marc Spector" the boy replied with.

"Echo Grey" Echo smiled. Echo sat on a ripped blanket and sat and watched the sun set. She took her bag of and opened it. "Wanna drink I have four?" Echo asked as she put herself a drink out.

Marc sat next to her. "Sure why not" Marc took a drink Echo handed him and then echo watched the stars for a bit before going into the den for a nap.

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