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Then on the other side they saw there camp and they walked away. "Oh they beat us too it were doomed" echo sighed as she limped down the rocky hill.

"We'll need to find another way to beat them to Ammit" Layla said as she walked quicker.

"Hey! You know I'm still injured right!" Echo yelled and Steven came over and helped her down the hill.

"Thanks Steven." Echo smiled. They made it to the site and snuck around. "Let's check the supplies" Layla said.

"Yeah we should I need to change this bandage" echo said as she followed Steven and Layla went the other way.

They both entered the tent. Echo found clean bandages and Changed the old one. "That looks painful" Steven said as he picked up some stuff.

"Yeah it is" echo hissed.

"You look scared" Marc said to Steven

"I'm not" Steven replied with as he picked more torches.

"Well you should be without Khonsu there's no more suit no more healing no more power" Marc explained

"Yeah no more you I thought. It's what you said innit?" Steven asked, hearing Steven say that echo sighed sadly, "but believing everything that comes out of your mouth just shows what a plonker I am!"

Steven started putting things in his backpack. "Look I wish I could disappear I really do but unfortunately I'm still here" Marc sighed, "if you're gonna go through with this, you gotta be smart for echo's and Layla's sake. I've been in a situation like this before"

Steven looked at echo and then back to Marc. "So have I, it's the same body innit?" Steven asked, "it's in there somewhere. Muscle memory and that."

"Yeah I'm not sure it works like that just..."

"Whatever" Steven sighed and went to walk away.

"Wait Steven help me tie this bandage please" echo said with a smile.

"Okay" he said and then he helped echo and she pulled her trouser leg back down and Steven went to leave.

"Your not alone" Marc said before Steven left

"I know I'm not alone. I know I'm bloody not alone I've got Layla and echo! And echos got my back" Steven yelled and turned around to the small round

"Are you in love? Are you in love with my girlfriend?" Marc asked angrily not even realising he called echo his girlfriend.

"Girlfriend? And when we're you to dating? And I appreciate the concern mate, I really do but we've got it from here!" Steven said.

Echo had a surprised look on her face when she heard girlfriend. Then Steven walked away. "I swear to you Steven I swear I'll throw us of a cliff!!" Marc yelled angrily.

Echo followed Steven out. "So you and Marc?" Steven asked

"What do you mean?" Echo asked looking through some things for food or a drink.

"Like he called you his girlfriend are you two dating or something?" He asked

"Well we never made it official but we did confess to each other that we have feelings for one another" echo explained.

And they caught up with Layla. Echo put the harness on Steven. "I have to say I feel like I've been waiting for this my whole life." Steven said and echo gave him a weird look, "The adventure I mean"

Echo tightened the harness on Steven. Echo and Steven made eye contact. "Okay hey I'm going down first!" Layla said.

"Okay!" Echo yelled and broke the eyes contact by handing Layla her bag before she went down first.

"Well do you want to go down next?" Echo asked Steven turning back to face him making eye contact again.

Echo then hooked Steven's harness up to the line breaking the eyes contact for a quick second before looking back up at him.

Steven put his hands on her shoulders and leaned in and kissed her, she kissed him back but then slowly moved away.

"Steven I'm sorry I like you I do but...I love Marc. Sorry Steven I should have kissed back" echo said before she hooked the line on her harness and jumps down.

Then Steven's fist punched him in the face "ahh shit" he groaned as he fell down.

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