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"Everything inside me is screaming not to open this thing." Steven mumbled

"Well I suggest that if you want Harrow to get to ammit first and then basically commit child murder" echo told Steven.

"See echo knows listen to her" Marc said. Steven sighed and tried to open the sarcophagus, Echo saw him struggling and helped him open it.

All that was in it was a mummy. "Well that's just great isn't it!" Echo said sarcastically.

"Where's the ushabti?" Steven asked.

"Well I'm pretty sure that they wanted to hide the crocodile statue from people so my guess it have a look" Echo told Steven.

"If you're gonna hide it for all eternity, you'd probably put it in a place where the average looter wouldn't think to look." Steven said as he examined the mummy.

"Steven just get to the point" Echo said

"Um... Alexander was the voice of Ammit" Steven explained.

"So the statue is in someone's throat?" Echo said in a confused tone.

"I'm gonna try something. I'll do something here." Steven rips of the bandages of the mummy's face, "Sorry. Oh, God. So sorry. Sorry, Mr. Great"

Steven forces open the mouth of the mummy and whispered, "Sorry, Mr. Great. Sorry. I couldn't be more sorry. Ugh! Ew!"

Steven slowly puts his hand down the mummies throat. "Ooo careful Steven it might bite your hand off" echo laughed.

Steven quickly pulled his hand out and looked at echo. "What?!" He asked he looked scared.

"Man I was joking it was a joke just never mind" echo sighed and Steven put his hand back into the mummies throat.

"Yeah, that's it. Get in there. Reach in there, buddy." Marc told Steven. Steven gaged, "Oh..."

"Your father was murdered by mercenaries. And no one knows who they were, do they?" Harrow explained.

"You're saying that Marc and possibly Echo were one of them?" Layla asked Harrow with tears forming in her eyes.

"You said it. What do you think?" Harrow said calmly Layla went to walk away, "They remembers everything that happened that day. Everyone who died."

Then Layla stopped. "But one man stands out. Man with a fuchsia scarf. Scarab details. Handmade. Made by his daughter perhaps." Harrow told her.

Layla held back her tears, "Are you done?" Layla asked with tears falling from her eyes.

"I do hope you find closure." Harrow said before Layla ran off carton the way.

"Wake up!" He yelled to her.
Once Steven got the statue out he showed Echo. "Eww! Get that thing away from me!" Echo yelled in disgust.

"Steven can I talk to Marc for a second?" Echo asked nicely.

"Yeah-yeah sure but I will be taking the body back after" Steven said before he let Marc take control.

"What is it echo?" Marc asked with his American accent.

"I heard that you called me your girlfriend and I just thought that we didn't exactly make it official.." echo said, "so Marc Spector would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Marc didn't even reply he just kissed her passionately wrapping his free arm around her waist and then slowly backed away resting his forehead on hers.

"I guess that's a yes then" echo smiled

"Yeah it's a yes" he smiled back

"Okay well that's all I wanted to know so love you and be careful" echo smiled

"Always and love you too" Marc said before letting Steven control the body.

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