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Echo slowly gained consciousness and she saw Khonsu disappear. She stood up and she summoned her suit and followed Khonsu.

She appeared next to Khonsu and they stood on a rocky hill and waited. "Who are we waiting for?" Echo asked looking up to Khonsu.

"Just wait my child. Just wait" Khonsu said.

"Khonsu" Marc said and Echo turned around and ran to him. She hugged him tightly.

"I knew you'd miss me." Khonsu said and Marc and Echo walked up to Khonsu.

"Layla turned you down, didn't she?" Marc asked.

"Yeah she did" Echo laughed and smiled even no though you can't tell because of her mask.

"Ammit has been freed. I was not strong enough to stop her. Marc Spector, I need your help." Khonsu explained to him.

"Ah, just curious about something. How's this whole new arrangement gonna work then?" He said in a British accent and his suit changed.

"Steven Grant, I was not speaking to you." Khonsu said sounding annoyed making echo laugh.

"Yeah, all right. But we do come as like a package deal now, so you are gonna have to deal with me. And we did just save your life, so you're welcome for that." Steven explained to Khonsu

"He's right he did save your life" Echo agreed with Steven. Khonsu grumbled and sighed.

"But I do think that you should answer my question though. How's this deal gonna work?" Steven asked as he sat down on a rock and crossed his legs.

"You would negotiate now, with so much at stake?" Khonsu asked looking at Steven. It was hard to tell if Khonsu was annoyed because he has a skull on his head and he doesn't have any facial features.

"Well, we did learn from the best, you silly old bird." Steven chuckled make Echo laugh even more.

"I will release you both. You have my word." Khonsu sighed.

"Mmm. I like the sound of that. Good. Glad we got that all sorted out. Now, how the heck are we gonna get to Cairo?" Steven said as he stood up next to echo.

" You forget, little worm, I am still the God of the Night Sky!" Khonsu said as the sky got darker and sand swirled around Steven.

"All right, you know what? I think you can take this one, Marc." Steven said to Marc.

"Hurry up, idiots!" Khonsu yelled and the suit changed again Marc jumped into the air and flew. Echo watch and then disappeared into shadows.

Layla went through the hallway and saw one of the gods avatar. She helped him up and rested him against the wall.

"Are you the one who released Khonshu?" He asked.

"Yes." Layla replied with. The avatar started closing its eyes and breathing getting slower and slower.

"Hey! Hey, hey. Hey. How do we stop Ammit?" Layla asked

"This chamber is our most powerful place. From here, we need to imprison Ammit in a mortal form." The avatar wheezed and groaned in pain.

" A body instead of a statue. She'd be vulnerable. Okay, how do we do it?" Layla asked

"We need more Avatars than we have left..." the avatars body fell the the floor.

"What? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no." Layla said as she checked for a pulse, "Taweret, are you there?"

"Layla!" Taweret yelled loudly, "I'm so thrilled. We're gonna have so much fun together."

Layla looked from behind one of the pillars and saw Harrow and his followers trying to find Layla.

Layla ran as she saw them getting closer to her. As she ran threw some hallways they began to crumble.

"Oh! You've changed your mind. I would be delighted to accept you as my Avatar." Taweret said threw Layla's body.

"Okay, okay. Temporary Avatar." Layla told taweret as the held onto the wall for support.

"Yes, of course! Oh, your father is going to be over the moon when he hears." Taweret said pulling layla of the wall.

" My father?" Layla groaned as she fell back onto the wall.

"Yes! I met him when I took him to the Field of Reeds." Taweret told Layla.

"What?" Layla asked as the ceiling started to crumble.

"Are we doing this or what? I have a fabulous costume in mind." Taweret said as the ceiling fully collapsed.

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