13 ☠️

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My eyes opened, seeing almost everyone asleep. Or at least it looked that way. Well, except for Jeongin. He was holding onto his head, looking awfully pained. No miracle, with that much blood from before, though the cold was quick to affect that too. At least it helped stop the bleeding quickly. "Jeongin?" I asked carefully, noticing the still stinging sensation when talking. Seemed like I was truly going to need those 24 hours to recover. He instantly perked up, tracing the sound of my voice back to where I was. "Y/N? What are you doing awake?"

I let out an uneasy chuckle. "Sleeping isn't exactly my strongest ability... what about you? And your head and all... what happened out there?" Jeongin glanced around, carefully making his way through everyone's sleeping figures to get closer to me, whispering even more quietly. "The map was wrong like you said... the point it lead us to had a hidden explosion behind one of the doors which seemed to be the exit. I was the unlucky one who got to experience it up close..."

"Oh no.... I'm so sorry," I sympathized with him. I awkwardly pat him on the back, not sure what to do. Comforting others had never been my greatest qualities. "I got lucky Changbin pulled me back quickly, he really is quick to notice things. Otherwise it might have been way worse..." The corners of my mouth dropped. It was kind of sad to see him realize he could have been dead, and just how serious all of this was. I still couldn't help but wonder why someone like him would even join, but I wasn't going to ask again after Felix reacted so closed off.

A couple of minutes passed in silence. I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to say. What were you even supposed to say to someone who had just barely escaped death? It was clear that it was bothering him, but I never got anything but a 'it's your own fault'. All I knew was that that was not exactly a wishful reaction. My eyes were starting to become droopy, and a yawn slipped through my mouth as well. So far I didn't get any actual sleep, I'd just been lying down trying to, without any avail.

Jeongin smiled weakly, pulling me towards him so that my head was laying in his lap. My first instinct was to instantly scoot away, but upon finally seeing the tears stream down Jeongin's face, I decided to stay. Was I comfortable with it? Not quite, but what kind of monster would I be to let him cry alone? It would make me feel terrible. I shifted slightly, trying to make myself comfortable, as his hand started to run through my hair. I froze for a second. That was what my mom always used to do. And suddenly, breathing became harder again.

I mentally cursed. Was I really going to react like this forever? Jeongin stopped, probably noticing it too. He didn't say a word, but just lay back as well, probably hoping to get some sleep as well... what was ahead of us was going to be way more dangerous than any of us could imagine.


"Look at them," I heard a whisper. A soft chuckle followed. "Pretty cute, those two." Wait, what? What was cute? "Oh come on, they barely know each other," a third voice answered annoyed. "Still, he seems quite open to her. It's cute." I let out a sigh, slowly opening my eyes. "What's cute?" I muttered, rubbing my eye to try and get the blurriness away. "Ah, you're awake?" Chan asked, his voice now more clear. I hummed in response, glancing to my right, seeing Jeongin still asleep. I got up carefully, getting off his leg. I had to say I was quite surprised at how well I slept, especially with all of these guys around. I must have really needed it.

"Sleep well?" Felix asked with a light chuckle. I nodded, still not exactly letting things through. "How much time do we have?" I asked, slowly starting to get a grip on things again. From now on I had to be on survival mode again. It was a horrible switch to make again after thinking I finally left it, but somehow it felt better to be here than back at home. This was predictable, at least I knew the sides and what was to happen. At home it was always a mystery if and when. "We don't have the exact time, but I'd say about 15 hours left. Enough to go over things, as well as to get to know each other a bit more."

I frowned, lightly tilting my head in a questioning matter. Did I really have to? Couldn't I just stick together with them and stay quiet the entire time? "You know, it's in everyone's best interests to know who's good at what, strenghts and weaknesses. Besides, it seems like some more trust here wouldn't hurt as well," Chan said, hinting towards Hyunjin, who was sitting with his back to us. His eyes widened, realizing how it could come across. "It's not like I don't trust you or anything though!" I shook my head. "No worries, didn't take it that way."

The next hour or two was simply passing time. Getting back on our feet, waiting until we were all awake. How much sleep we'd be able to get further into this game was dubious, so we'd get all the sleep we could now. Most of the guys so far were just chatting, while I was washing my face at one of the sinks available in this small space. It truly didn't have much, a small closed off space with a toilet and shower, a sink, a table with a small bowl of fruits, and that was about it. But well, we didn't need much more for now.

"Y/N?" Changbin called from behind the curtain separating the spaces. "Are you finished soon? We're thinking of having a talk about how to do things with the whole group." I hummed. "Almost done, be there in a sec." I dried my face quickly, opening the curtain to see all eyes on me. Some kind, some still unaccepting, and some still not caring much. I couldn't help but feel completely defeated by how things turned out.

This was truly going to be a long time.

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