Our Stars || Matsuno Chifuyu

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In the evening of the early night, in the middle of fall. Two little kids were at the playground and on the swings. Each facing the opposite direction to another.

"You'll marry me?"

Your six-year old self tilted their head at the words your childhood friend spoke. Pink hues were on your cheeks and it felt warm.

He nods his head and hums enthusiastically, "When we grow up! I'll marry you." A big grin plastered on his face. Every breath he release was visible, considering how the night's temperature was dropping.

You looked at his side profile that was staring on to the night sky. Facing behind you while you face the direction behind him. A smile made its way to your face.


"Promise! I swear on the stars!" Pointing on to the vast skies.

"Then I'll wait for you!" you exclaimed, little giggles and smiles from the both of you.


"Are you really going?!" Exclaimed the nine year old Chifuyu as you were infront of your now empty house. Your parents behind you with a sad expression.

Tears welled up in your eyes, "y-yeah, but! I-I'll be back. So, don't worry! I'll definitely come back!" You hold both of his hands.

"You promise?" He asks you with hopeful eyes.

"I promise! I swear on the stars! I'll be back, that's why don't cry!" You gripped his hands tighter.

"I'm not crying! You are!" Tears did escpae your eyes but so does his.

"Eh? You too!" A smile one last time from both of your faces. You let go of him and went inside of the car.

"Come back, okay?!" He yells while jumping from his spot, flailing his arms wildly. You stuck out your head to look at him properly,

"I will! I promise! Bye Bye!" Waving your other arm to him, his figure getting smaller and smaller.

"I'll definitely come back." you whispered as you settled in on your seat.


You walk around the neighborhood after visiting Chifuyu's supposedly apartment where in only his mother was currently at home. You conversed lightly with her before searching for the now, blonde boy.

You wondered what he would look like now. Despite talking over the phone or exchanging letters, it was still the first time seeing him after almost what? 6 years?

It did give you jitters, last time you two were still little. It excites you to see your childhood friend and sweetheart.

While walking around you saw a familiar face from around the little crowd. Those light blue eyes were still the same as ever, his once black hair was now bleached blonde.

He was still mostly the same as ever. A smile was on your lips as you decided to surprise him.

You followed the little group and only a couple minutes later. The group dispersed and left with only Chifuyu left. You sneakily walk behind him until you were near the playground.

You slung your arm around his neck that made him turn his head towards your direction in a startle. You watch as his eyes widen and irises dilate.

You were as beautiful as ever or even more beautiful than when you left. His childhood crush right before his very own eyes. Your appearance in his eyes were much breathtaking as ever.

You grinned at him before speaking,

"I came back." Those three words snapped him out of his shock and immediately pulled you in his embrace.

His breath hitched before inhaling your scent, closing his eyes in delight and hugging you even closer.

"You came back."

"of course I did. You dummy, I promise!" Equally hugging him tighter.

The sun eventually settled down and the moon rose to the night skies were the stars twinkled like a million gems scattered around the universe.

And even when the night started, you both were still conversing and catching up. The lingering feelings began to rose back again from both individuals.

Both were turning pink from each other's appealing feelings and maybe from the cold night settling in.

One certain topic began to pop out that made both of you pink- to beet red from further topic.

"Remember when... you promised to marry me? It was just like this night, we were both only five - six? years olds. We were both on our swings." You looked up on to the stars, the breath you released was visible at presence of the cold night.

"You swore.."

"..to the stars." he finished the sentence, his gaze from you back to the stars. You stole a look from the side, his gaze on to the stars. His cheeks were red from the 'cold weather'.

"Ack, that was embarrasing!" He suddenly exclaimed with bright redness on his cheeks. Ruffling his hair in embarrasment. Bending over to cover his red face.

You stood up from your swing silently as you made your way behind him. You slid both of your arms around his neck smoothly. Leaned your body close to him and rested your head on his, inhaling his scent on the process.

His eyes widen and hus cheeks was redder and ever, his heart was racing and almost as if pounding and beatung loudly right on to his ears. He was having an internal outburst he hope not to actually burst.

"You won't marry me?"

You asked him softly, both of you avoiding eye contact. The question caught him off guarded, he immediately panic.

"of course I would! I'll make you my bride and make you happy!" He bursted out loud, almost startling you. Your eyes widen and you almost melted right there and right now, your heart was even more racing right now. Your cheeks were hurting from the smile you kept wearing and couldn't wipe off.

A soft chuckle only left your lips, you act and look calm on the outside but was inwardly bursting and celebrating.

"uhh I- Aaaahh ᵃᵘʰʰʰ" He grunted as his whole face couldn't get anymore redder. His hands were covering half of his face.

You softly touch the outer shell of his ear, "Your ears are red," you chuckled once more, "are you red too?"

In fact, he felt his whole being warm and fuzzy, probably red too. He murmurs a small no in retaliation, in which you didn't believe in but let him anyways.

"Chifuyu, make me your bride." You whispered one last time before burrying your face on the crook of his neck. Hidind the beet red face of yours.

He felt like bursting. Exploding. Practically jumping out of joy everywhere and yell at the world. He was smiling from ear to ear.

"I definitely will."

That night, two teenagers confessed their feelings.

In the evening of the early night, in the middle of fall. Two teenagers were at the playground, red from the emotions growing strong as ever. Happier than ever in their own little world.

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