Drabble || Hanemiya Kazutora

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The sound of the bell that chimed the door opening, rings through the store. Kazutora greeted the customer reflexively while carrying the box of supplies in his arms.

"Hello." A feminine voice greeted him back, Kazutora froze for a second before turning to see the lady that entered the pet shop. He was right. It was you.

Kazutora awkwardly continues to stare at the you, leaving you in an awkward state. "Uhm..." Lucky for you, his co-worker came from the back.

"Oh, [Name]-san." Chifuyu greeted, unexpected to see you here. Kazutora was frozen at his stand and rooted to the floor. He continues to subconsciously stare at you as you converse with his friend.

He then shakes his head, it might look like he was a stalker for a stranger - not entirely as you were that lady he and Chifuyu would always greet in the morning for your work shifts.

The two-toned haired male occupied himself with the animals, occasionally looking at your direction. He doesn't even know why his palms were sweating cold.

You eventually got what you needed for the stray cat you kept. Going on your own way to exit with a plastic bag in hand. You looked one last time at the dual toned haired male, coincidentally meeting his eyes.

The corners of your lips turned upwards with a small smile, waving him a small wave. You left. Kazutora was left awkwardly blushing.

"Why are you awkward and uncool when it comes to [Name]?" Chifuyu questioned as he leaned on the counter. "It's not easy."

"Sure, sure." The ravenette replied disinterestedly. Kazutora peeked a little closer at the glass window, seeing your small shrinking figure.

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