Winter || Kurokawa Izana

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It feels weird to feel warmth on a winter day, to feel such butterflies flutter. To have such feelings and emotions swirling in a middle of a snowy weather. But it felt weirder that those are only lingering and nostalgic.

You sat down on the bench as you watched the snow to flutter, waiting for time to pass. Your eyes longed to look something mesmerizing on this mundane cold day. Something familiar and usual yet amazing every time.

A winter day like this, how many years was it when you two last met? Every winter, you'd both be here, sitting on the bench, conversing 'bout everything. Only when winter arrives will you see that tanned male.

You didn't notice the presence that arrived, only until that person was now sitted on the same bench as you did you realised. A short gasp of relief escape your lips unnoticebly. Looks like your hope wouldn't be for naught.

You turned your head to see those orchid eyes already staring at you, his once straight locks were now messy. His grown figure did not changed so much as when he was youthful. Albeit he grew even more handsome- beautiful even.

You two only stared at each other as the snow slowly but continuesly falls. The freezing breeze blew both of your hairs together, it did not messily tangled but rather gently swayed with the wind.

A chuckle came out of your lips as you lower your head, your eyes like cresent moons. Izana grew confusion as his brows almost met.

"Is there something funny?" A small annoyance laced his question, "No, No, don't get me wrong- I... nevermind." You shake your head. "Well that can't be. Tell me what's funny? I'm not a clown-"

"Jeez- I," giggling, "It was just like this. When we first met."

"On a snowy day like this, that was the first time we met."


You both were little kids when you first met, you were visiting and staying for winter at your half-family. Your child self decided to visit the nearest park despite the dropping temperature. You didn't mean to befriend someone while you're at it.

But there were never regrets as to how and why that happened. Seeing him was the only thing you were looking for every season that came pass. Thus, winter became your favorite.

This engertic child soon became a lavish teen who was such a tease. Soon feelings grew and you two found yourself more than friends the next winter came to pass by.

The feelings were never fleeting but you know you had to let go. Both of you do, so when your last winter came before you eventually stop visiting, you two ended.

It didn't particularly ended on a bad note neither in a good way. The last thing both of you said to each other was swear to see each other again. After completing your studies and when winter arrives again, you kept coming to the park.

Years passed since you've been doing so, hoping you'd see the familiar bleached blonde locks of his. Waiting for the moment where you two would meet again.

And right now, you two felt warm on a winter day, feeling butterflies to flutter one by one. To have emotions and feelings starting swirl, the lingering feeling was becoming more real and present each passing second.

The memories kept on reminscing, reliving in both minds. His orchid eyes stared at you as if he was lovesick, but you looked at the palms of your hand, feeling sweaty despite the snowy weather.

"Yosh..." you mumbled before looking back to meet his eyes. Your eyes were determined but melted softly as you looked into his eyes.

"Good afternoon, I'm [Last name] [Name]. The girl who decided to come back for you."

"Good evening! I'm [Last Name] [Name]. The girl you decided to throw a snowball at!"

"Hello to you too, I'm Kurokawa Izana. The boy who never regretted waiting on you."

"Hello there then! I'm Kurokawa Izana. The boy who didn't regret throwing that snowball on you!"

The both of you stared at each other before bursting into laughter, it was like reliving all over again. The laughter soon died down and he took the chance to take your right hand.


He brings out something silvery from his pockets, he slides it to your ring finger. "Ahh! wait! Izana!"

"Shh" He slides it completely to your finger, now caressing your knuckle as he looks at it tenderly. You couldn't deny that it looked beautiful and probably fitting to you.

"I think you have to wait much further until you propose to me." You tried removing the ring but he stopped your hand, your eyes meet again, "I know, so I inserted it on your right hand. At least now even if it's here," Bringing your right hand, "I made you mine."

You blushed at his thoughtful action, you pulled your hand back and covered half of your face. "You're a bit too hasty, we've only just met again after years."

He came closer to you and cupped your cheeks, "I know, a couple of years is too long. I'm getting impatient hence why I'm hasty."

His face leans closer to you and your breath mingled with each other. Your eyes were in direct contact and you couldn't look away, feeling hypnotizes by his orchids. Your noses was touching and your lips grazed, the heat was getting even more warmer.

"I finally got you back." The last thing he says before kissing your lips, it didn't take you long to kiss him back.

In the middle of the empty park, on a cold winter day. Two people met again in a such a long time. A reconciliation between the two and everything between the two.

You both separated and leaned foreheads, both growing pink to red.

"You're too hasty." You breath out.

"I know." He answered.

Only when winter arrives will you see that tanned male, but not anymore as you spend a future with him.

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