Drabble || Haitani Ran (2)

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Medieval! / Historical Fantasy! AU : where in monarchs, aristocrats, knights and whatnots exists.

You handled the blade well, swinging the sword in your grip in swish motion. You trained - a short break, to get your mind off the frustrating and shocking news earlier. It wasn't exactly a bad news - annoying even, it was a shocker for sure. They didn't even asked for your consent, it wasn't hard to ask beforehand, right?!

You gripped the hilt tighter, marriage, an essential thing for the royal family and you're no excemption. The problem is, the one you're engaged to is the one and only notorious duke.

"- Argh! why?!" Swinging your sword once again in the air. You were too late to notice the presence behind you, long limbs slithered to your waist and arm. Stopping your irrational movement. "For a knighted princess, you're not very graceful." The voice whispered huskily on the level of your ears, you knew that voice right away.

You looked to the side in surprise, and the duke's face was dangerously close, too close for comfort. "What are you-" trying to back away, but was unable due to the duke's grip. "Now, now, we're engaged already. This much shouldn't be a problem."

You could hear that smile on his face, "Wh-what do you want?" stopping yourself from reddening, you refuse to acknowledge your feelings. He looks at you momentarily before letting you go, only to adjust himself to properly hug you from behind.

And the fuse was broken, reddening from his actions, "I only want you, your majesty, my princess." He answers, you were left stunned and rivalling the reddest of riped fruit. "Well... we're getting married."

"We are."

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