Drabble || Tachibana Naoto

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You tip-toed all the way to the kitchen 'till behind the ravenette. Before you could even continue your plan, he had already spoke, catching you off guarded.

"What are you doing now?" He says as he continues to wash the dishes. You pout and just went for it and hugged behind him. You lay your head on his back as he continues to do his chore.

"Nothing. I just want to hug you." You uttered, trying to coo him into cuddling you later on. He hums before adjusting his shoulders, the hug restricting him to move.

"Can you move for a bit, I can't reach the dry cloth." He says, you got up from laying your head on his back to removing yourself from him.

"Okay, you don't love me anymore." You stated monotonously, hiding your mischievous intentions, "what- [Name]-" he immediately turns around and grab your forearm gently.

"-Guess our wedding's off, I'm gonna pack my things and go." Naoto pulls you to him, having your back touch his chest as he instantly wraps around you. "[Name], don't leave me, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

You look at him from the corner of your eye, you then smiled, "Why are you so dramatic?" You pat his hair that tickles your neck. His head laying below your nape.

"You say that but you were cancelling our wedding." He mumbles against your back. You caress his hair and hum, "Of course it was a joke. I'll never miss the opportunity to marry you. ever." He grips you tightly at your statement.

Naoto now knows why Takemichi was desperate and such a fool for love. Even he would be a fool for his love.

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