Drabble || Kurokawa Izana

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I had a dream once. More bizarre and extravagant than all of the dreams I've had. I never had an idea where I would be the moment I laid my head on my pillow.

The dream?

It was a gala, an endless loop of ballroom. As if there was a distant mirror. Old classical music played in the background, was it from medieval? I don't know.

There were faceless people in gowns and suits, despite being faceless, designed masks adorned their facade. Some were wallflowers that decorated the remaining space of the spacious ballroom. Some were dancing in pairs on the center.

Everyone was repetitive and monotonous as if they were puppets made to dance for a show. All except one, who stood out of the crowd.

Even he was wearing a suit, a mask that covers half his face but cannot even hide his purple eyes as if they were amethyst that shines or orchids that sprouts in spring.

This was a dream, I was aware, it was livid but surreal. And he, he wasn't just a dream. I knew of that.

He offered a hand and he clasps hands with mine. We were twirling in the center of the dancing crowd. Waltzing around this seemingly endless ballrooms.

That's right, it was the dream when I first saw him.

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