Scrapbook || Matsuno Chifuyu

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"What are you doing?"

You said, rolling around upside to look at your boyfriend who was busy making something on the floor. Curious, you hear him snipping papers from earlier.

"You'll see." He absentmindedly tell you.

You grew question marks on top of your head, you wanted to take a peek at what he was doing. You subconsciously leaned over his shoulder but before you could even take a small glimpse of it a hand came slapping your face.

"D-don't peek! - Ahh! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it!" He kept repeating apologies all over the place, caressing your face with his cupping hands.

You stopped his worries by grabbing both of his hands from your face, "No, it was kind of my fault. You were startled."

"No! I'm really sorry, it's my fault!" Flipping the hand positions as he grabs both of your hands

"It's not, besides..." a glint of mischief from your irises alerted the blonde male.

You leaped forward at him, peeking over his shoulder, you hugged him tight. The blue-eyed male carefully balanced the both of you from tipping backwards into his project.

"Ooh~" you cooed, finding all sorts of arts and crafts, an open book, designs and cut out pictures of both of you. Some even of Peke j, his cat.

"[N-name], you shouldn't do that!" He says looking over to see your expression. Red from getting jumped on and being embrace, and from getting caught, embarrased about his little project.

"What's this?" You question, tilting your head to lay on his shoulder. "It's a scrapbook obviously." Chifuyu rolled his eyes.

"No, I know what it is but what for? It's not our anniversary is it?" You try to remember the date today, what's the occasion or is it someone's birthday.

"No, silly. It's just for us." He mutters, looking away shyly. You look at him with pink tinted cheeks, you smiled warmly. You jumped on him once more, "I lo~ve you!" You exclaimed.

"[N-name]! The scrapbook!" He says, although welcoming you in his embrace. He then places you between his legs, hugging you from behind as you look through the scrapbook that was still on the process.

"I love you too..." he says in the midst of your looking. Making you smile in his hold.

Two youths brushes over the newly bought book, pages that were flat and neat, and pictures that were recently pasted with designs and dates and whatever else.


It was just like yesterday when they were at Chifuyu's old apartment, highschool students nearing college.

Was it spring? Or summer? Regardless of the season it was warm. The day they started the scrapbook.

Two adults brushes their fingers across the decade-old book, corners of the pages were worn and folded from multiple amount of times it was open. Pictures that continues to slowly lose its color and newer pictures that keeps increasing inside the book. A smaller hand then comes up as it wonders through the pages.

Curious at the book filled with scraps of their memories.

𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐢𝐫 || 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now