Drabble || Haitani Brothers

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BONTEN!Haitani Brothers ft. Child!reader

"Hello, are you my father?"


"Rin! I'm home!"

"Niisan, you can't always come to my place as much as you like- what's that?" Rindou cuts off his sentence as his eyes landed on the small figure that his brother was carrying.

"My child." Ran chimed, happily showing off the child who looked slightly confused in his arms. "Did you get someone pregnant-"

"Nope, I think." Ran pauses, scrunching his nose bridge, he then smiles again, "I'm gonna give them a bath." Ran passes his brother to the nearest bathroom.



"You picked them up off the streets?" Rindou noted how dirty the child was and the tattered old clothes they were wearing. The child's age was probably no older than a five year old.

"Yup! They were asking if I was their father." Ran says, humming a random tune afterward. He slowly massages the towel on top of the child's head, drying the wet strands of hair.

The child obediently sat comfortably, glancing around from time to time with doe-looking eyes. Rindou stares at the child's reflection on the mirror for a moment, suddenly the child's curious gaze locked contact with his.

They owlishly blink before prying their eyes away from the purple hues of his. Rindou sighs, the oldest Haitani hums, "Are you not gonna tell me anything?"

"I don't know, will you listen?"




Ran wipes the crumbs of food from their cheeks, closing one of their eye as he did. Ran seems to enjoy watching the hungry child gobble down the food.

Rindou who seemed to be watching, eating his own fare of food. "Slow down, my cooking is great but you'll choke at that rate." He pipes, a half-smirk seen on his face as he talks about his own cooking.

The child stops eating, staring at the mullet-haired man opposite of them. They swallowed the food stuffed on their mouth, making Ran to stroke their back in circles, then wipe their lips with their forearm.

"Thank you! It's delicious!" The child states their sincere gratitude. Rindou blushes by the comment and brushes it off, Ran seems to be very happy at the development.

Ran slids back his chair causing for the two to turn their attention to him. He stands up and went to the child, he then carries them by their armpits and into the air.

"From now on, call me 'Papa'." He says, committing to the child on his hands. The child seemed to be excited, "Papa!" They exclaimed. Ran seems to be more than joyful to hear it.

They then turned to Rindou, who was the whole time, watching them. "You can call me 'Papa' too." The child gleefully threw her hands on the air, "I have two Papas!"

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