Her Support Is Himself || Shiba Hakkai

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Hakkai stood infront of his captain's house, knocking on the door he was met by his captain's confused gaze but nonetheless had a welcoming smile, "Hakkai? What are you doing here?" The door opened wider for the tall male to come in.

"I was just buying something and thought to stop by Taka-chan." Grinning, he showed him the plastic bag he was carrying. He took of his shoes, following the silvernette who already went inside. "Is that so? Oh, right!" Takashi look behind, "I have my cousin over, she had no one to look after her so I vounteered to."

Takashi was wise with his words, Hakkai thought that his cousin was a little girl. Taking note of how no one would've looked after her or 'babysit'. So when he entered a room, he did not expect to see you, someone in his age, to be sitting in the house with the two little ones playing on the floor.

Hakkai thought to himself, 'it's not like I'm forced to talk to her, just be quiet.'

With his thoughts like that, he didn't expect yet again how you turned your attention to him the second the he walked in. 'Keep calm, calm, calm, calm' the words kept repeating in his head as he look stoically in another direction. He began having his sweats bullet down when you just kept looking at him with a curious gaze.

And when you eyed him up and down, his sweat bullets only came down quicker. Until Takashi came in and with a sigh hits your head with his fist. "You're scaring the shit out of him." With a small whine you caress the top of your head and muttered a small apology.

"Hakkai, don't worry about her. She doesn't get to meet new people for a while." Hakkai turn his head to Takashi but landed on your figure. You were still caressing your head but only now did he fully see the wheelchair you were in. A handmade scarf on your lap that coverer the immobile legs of yours.

You noticed his now concerned gaze and look down on your lap, 'oh', opening your mouth with a gentle smile, "I got into a little accident," patting your lap, "So, these legs are temporarily broken, and can't really move them." Giving him a smile in reassurance, his whole body was stiffed and rigid but internally felt relieve of your situation.

You had an innocent look on your face as more questions kept sprouting out of your head. "Hey? Hey?" Noticing how stoic he became almost as if he was imitating a statue, "um..."

A laugh erupted inside the room as Takashi came back with orange slices. "Don't worry about it [Name], Hakkai's just a huge dork. He freezes up everytime a girl comes up to him." Chuckling at the end of his sentence. Both of the girl went immediately to the table to eat the fruit slices.

"Taka-chan!" Embarassed, his cheeks were pink, but the second you turn your head his whole being was rigid. "Oh! So you can talk!" You smiled, sweatdrops began to go down his temple.

"Yeah, yeah, just eat your orange slices." Giving you a small plate of the fruit, he did the same to Hakkai, "so... what's your name?"

"..." You were met by silence as you anticipated an answer, even the two little girls glance at the both of you. He finds courage and opens his mouth only to be interrupted by Takashi who didn't look at Hakkai's way.

"His name is Shiba Hakkai, you can just call him Hakkai." The silvernette shakes his head and made his way out, Hakkai looked slightly defeated and the two little girls giggled.

"Oh~ Hakkai, since you don't really talk to girls, I'll help you with it." You grin as try to befriend the rigid guy. He stiffly moved his head up and down, nodding along with you. "So, first speak! Ack-" a fist made it's way on top of your head, "You're too straightforward, you're scaring him even more."

"Okay, then don't talk at all- owiee" Flicking your forehead, "Now, you're just fooling around." He picks up the plates, "Hakkai, if you don't wanna be stuck with my cousin here, I still need some assistance from sewing."

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