Drunk Kisses || Tachibana Naoto

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Warning : mentions of making out.

You were an alcoholic, especially after a long day. Working in an enclosed office from 9 'till five every day felt dull and weary.

That's why you only wish to drink to your content this Friday night. You expected the flat to be all to yourself since you remembered Naoto telling you he'd be away on Friday.

Now arriving in your shared apartment, you took off your flat shoes and set them aside. Wearing your house slippers, you went straight to your bedroom to change.

Afterward, you made a beeline to the kitchen, opening the cupboard to grab the expensive wine that your co-worker gifted. Before even landing a hand on the wine, a hand grabbed your wrist and wrapped their other arm on your waist.

They placed their chin on your shoulder, you turn around to see Naoto without his blazer, his sleeves' folded and tie loosened. His brows creased as he looks disappointingly at your action.

"Naoto! You're home! Aren't you suppose to be away?" You asked before discreetly reaching the wine bottle. "I said that two weeks ago and I was away last Friday." He says before glancing at your hand again.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Pulling your hand away, Snatching you away from the cupboard but to the counter where he pinned you. 'Curse my bad memory! I totally forgot!' You thought.

"I was just going to sip some wine, just a tiny... Tiny bit." You glanced to your left as you pouted. "Lies, you're going to get yourself drunk and wasted."

"Hey! You can't just say that! Because I won't-"

"Last weekend when I got home, you were on the floor with an empty wine bottle and a hangover in the morning." He backs away as he leans back, "You better be glad that you weren't out, or else who knows where you'll end up."

"That's why Naoto, you're here. If I do get drunk you'd be here to help me." Hugging his waist as you look up to him. "You just want to get drunk."

"Correction, I want to drink wine. Besides, it's that wine that we haven't opened yet." Looking at him with doe eyes, "We're going to drink it, please~" wrapping your arms around his neck.

He sighs with an irritated look, "Fine, but I don't want one." You leaned for a chaste kiss on his lips before smiling, while you were leaning in you grabbed the wine behind him. "Thank you~"

"Just don't get yourself drunk." He says while leaning on the counter, watching you grab a wine glass. "Okay~"

"Let's have dinner first."



"I'm just gonna be in my room for a while." He kisses the top of your head. "Okay, don't worry I won't get drunk!" You yell as he walks away with a book in hand.

Filling your wine glass with the drink, you took a sip as you settle comfortably on the couch. A little satisfied sigh from drinking the wine completely.

Naoto occasionally walk in and out of the living room to glance at your figure. He would take a glance at the wine glass you have, every time he'd glance at the wine glass it looked like it was slowly drank.

He concluded that you only drank a few three or four wine pour. You'd smile at his direction every time he'd be around but he felt something wrong somehow, he's known you for years, if anything, drinking four cups wouldn't satisy your alcoholic habit.

He went to check on you again, the wine glass on your hand, half-empty, and your face looked quiet a bit flushed. "Oh no." He utters.

He took the wine glass away from your hand and settle on the coffee table. He kneels infront of you and cups your face as you stare at him with a whimsical smile. "You're drunk." He glares at you.

Your smile turns into a lazy grin as you cup his cheeks with both of your hands, "I'm not~" He could smell the alcohol as you speak, you felt warm from his hands.

"That's it no wine for you for a month." He says while he stands up, your drunken figure hugged his waist and anchor yourseld to him, "Nooo~ Naoootooo~ Don't-t, my baby, my wine, No~"

Your words were slurry and you kept clinging to him, he tries ripping you away from him but you kept your grip on him tight. "[Name]..."

He kneels down again to talk to you, "[Name]-"

"You look so~ handsome when you're serious." Trying to reach for the wine bottle. "Ugh..." Naoto reddens but tried scolding you, "[Name], stop you're-"

"But you are, you look cute when you're annoyed." You stopped reaching for wine as you look straight into his eyes, looking serious with a pout. He grunts as his ears turn red.

"Even now! Are you embarrassed? We're engaged already!" You showed him your ring he got for you, "I know, I know."

"I bet our kids' going to be as cute as you~" You said in a singing tone, he's redder at every second you speak. He grabs both of your hands from his cheeks, you look at him with a tilted head before opening your mouth.

"When's our marriage?" You asked as you leaned in, recently he's been avoiding the question, "Near. We'll have our wedding really near now." He says as he leans his forehead with you.

He's scared with his job that might get you involved.

You gaze at him with your half-lidded eyes, something he finds alluring with your pink lips that he kept gazing. He was tempted to do so but you already made the first move.

You closed the gap between the two of you, your lips crashing with his. It took a second for him to realize as he now kissed you back more passionately.

His hands find his way to your sides going up and down as your hands went to his neat black hair as it's now a mess.

You two now made each other out on the living room, caught within the heated situation. He kisses and bites your lips as both of gets heated by the situation.

He could taste the wine in your mouth, feeling himself get intoxicated with the kisses. He cups your face with one hand and strokes your cheek with his thumb.

He pulls away with a half-lidded vision. Ragged breathing, before you could relax, Naoto went forward and kisses you again, getting more intoxicated.

He pushes you down to the couch, you laid on your back as both of his arms pinned on each side of your head.

Both of you were red, messy and ragged from the heated 'conversation'. He hovers over you before speaking, his face flushed red.

"When we're married. Let's do it when we're married." He says before plopping down with you.

Both of you were catching breaths and you felt more sober but tipsy. You woke up with Naoto the first thing you see and a pounding ache in your head.

You wrap your arms around Naoto as you let him sleep, you smile as you recalled last night albeit your memory was hazy.

You gave him a chase kiss before succumbing to your pounding headache.

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