Drabble || Matsuno Chifuyu

33 6 4

Medieval AU- Where royalty, knights and aristocrats exists

You were currently enjoying yourself at the silence of the imperial garden this night, away from the crowded and lavish ball. You felt someone bump harshly on to you.

"Oh. What the-" You were cut out as he hurriedly places a hand over your mouth. A glare met his eyes, you slap away his hand. You were met with someone close to your age.

"Shh! They'll find me!" He caresses the back of his gloved hand, his head keeps turning to look out. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, his outfit was surely extravagant - he must've wanted to flaunt his wealth.

"Why? are you a culprit?" Raising a brow, you open your mouth to prepare to scream, when he comes over you and put a hand over your mouth, again. You furrowed your brows, trying to speak when

"Find his highness, the prince. His majesty looks for him." You hear most probably knights, your eyes widen and dart your eyes at him who already glanced at you. A little sheepish smile on his lips, he places a fingers on his lips, pertaining you to keep quiet.

Guess the prince just wants to hide? You were full of shame and resent of yourself for not recognizing the prince. On top of that you slapped away his hand! But to justify that, he was rude to bump and harshly place his hand elsewhere even though he is a prince, he can't just do that.

You can hear the knights getting farther and his hold on you loosen. After having the area all clear for the moment he had let go of you completely. You then curtsied and lowered your head,

"Forgive me for my incompetence -"

"No need for that," he cuts you off, "In the end you helped me." He winks at your way, you take a couple of steps back. "B-but-"

"Pardon my rudeness but I need to go, I'll just have to see to it to repay your kindness." He says, slyly finding a way to meet you again, you read the lines and your eyes dart to the side. He takes your hand gently and peck the back of your hand. "Until then."

At the same time the wind picked up suddenly making you shut your eyes, opening it again to see no royal member.

"Lady [l/n], goodevening, pardon my short greetings but have you seen his highness, the prince?" A knight strolled up to you, you turn yourself lightly,

"No. I have not."

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